Page 169 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2024. Glasbena kritika – nekoč in danes ▪︎ Music Criticism – Yesterday and Today. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 7
P. 169

Music in the Karlovac Press in the Nineteenth

Lucija Konfic
Hrvaška akademija znanosti in umetnosti Zagreb
Croatian Academy of Science and Arts Zagreb

Introduction – Karlovac’s newspapers and their editors 1
The musical life of the city of Karlovac (Croatia) has been the subject of re-
search interest on several occasions, among which the books With Music
through the History of Karlovac (ed. Ljiljana Ščedrov)2 and Music of Four
Rivers: History of the Music of the Karlovčko Pokuplje Region3 by Grozdana
Marošević stand out. The strategic position between the Croatian interior
and the Adriatic coast, the proximity of the capital, and the fact that many
dignitaries had property in that area, enabled Karlovac to develop both eco-
nomically and socially, and also emerge as a city with a lively and dynamic
cultural and musical life. Elements of that cultural and musical life, which
would otherwise have remained hidden or difficult to access, are presented
to us in a special way in the local newspapers published in Karlovac. Most
of the information about daily happenings in the city did not reach the
newspapers in the capital (or beyond). In addition to the German-language
newspaper Der Pilger (1841–1847), the following Croatian-language news-
papers were published in Karlovac in the nineteenth century in which we

1 The research for this work was funded by the Croatian Science Foundation under the
project IP-2020-02-4277 “Institutionalization of Modern Bourgeois Musical Culture
in the 19th Century in Civil Croatia and the Military Frontier” (MusInst19).

2 Ljiljana Ščedrov, ed., Glazbom kroz povijest Karlovca [With Music through the His-
tory of Karlovac] (Karlovac: Glazbena škola Karlovac – Karlovačka županija, 1994).

3 Grozdana Marošević, Glazba četiriju rijeka. Povijest glazbe Karlovačkog Pokuplja
[Music of Four Rivers: History of Music of the Karlovačko Pokuplje Region] (Zagreb:
IEF, HMD, 2010).

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