Page 246 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2024. Glasbena kritika – nekoč in danes ▪︎ Music Criticism – Yesterday and Today. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 7
P. 246
glasbena kritika – nekoč in danes | music criticism – yesterday and today

Symphonic matinees or symphonic concerts for young audiences2 are a reg-
ular feature of the concert programmes of the Jeunesses Musicales Slove-
nia3. The origins of matinees date back to the 1970s, but in the early years,
they did not yet hold a permanent title. According to secondary sources,
these concerts were simply called “symphony concerts for the youth, con-
certs with orchestras,” but they were already furnished with commentaries,
as were the consequent matinees. The commentary was intended to help
the audience follow the concert and understand what they were listening to.

Symphonic concerts for the youth have a rich history. Until 1970 they
were organised by the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra, and from 1970
onwards by the Jeunesses Musicales Slovenia is credited as the organis-
er.4 In the beginning, the Jeunesses Musicales Slovenia worked in unison
with the national broadcasting service of Slovenia (hereinafter referred to
as RTV) in the organisation of symphonic concerts, as evidenced by the
surviving two pieces of correspondence between the Jeunesses Musicales
Slovenia and RTV. The first piece of correspondence contains the minutes
of a Music Youth Programme Committee meeting from 1975, in which the
Youth Symphony Concert is mentioned among the proposals for televising
broadcasts.5 The second piece of correspondence is from 1976 and contains
an invitation to the members of the Music Youth Programme Committee,
which records the Symphony Concerts Programme.6 From 1977 there are
the minutes of a meeting between the Musical Youth and the RTV Music
Production Section on music events in which the RTV ensembles would
participate as performers. Specifically, there is an agreement for two sym-
phony concerts on November 14 and December 13, 1977, as well as for the
January and April of 1978.7

Another source from the same year records an invitation to all mem-
bers of the programme committee of the Republican Conference Jeuness-
es Musicales Slovenia, dated May 18, 1977, which mentions the coopera-
tion with RTV, the Radio Ljubljana Symphony Orchestra and the Slovenian
Philharmonic Orchestra.8 The Jeunesses Musicales Slovenia had been co-

2 Retrieved from: “Simfonične matineje GMS,” Glasbena mladina 50 (8 June 1995): 4.
3 Hereinafter referred to as GMS.
4 Anon., “Dolg pogovor – malo o glasbi,” Delo, October 21, 1971, 7.
5 From: The Jeunesses Musicales Slovenia archives, 1977–8.
6 Ibid.
7 Ibid.
8 Ibid.

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