Page 248 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2024. Glasbena kritika – nekoč in danes ▪︎ Music Criticism – Yesterday and Today. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 7
P. 248
glasbena kritika – nekoč in danes | music criticism – yesterday and today

operating with the Slovenian Philharmonic as early as 1974, as the newspa-
per Delo reported that the

concerts for the youth are among the most successful activities of the
Slovenian Philharmonic, which takes into account the suggestions and
requests of the Jeunesses Musicales Slovenia in its programming.9
However, the cooperation with the Slovenian Philharmonic began as a
permanent feature in 1980, when the name Symphonic Matinees was intro-
duced for symphonic concerts for the youth. From the 1982/83 season, the
matinees were allocated a permanent venue and began to take place in the
morning at the Cankarjev dom performing venue in Ljubljana.10

The analysis of music reviews of symphony matinees varies in scope, de-
pending on the availability of sources. The sources are more prevalent since
the 1980s, due to the permanent title of the event, which makes it easier to
find the sources, and the fact that the Jeunesses Musicales Slovenia started
publishing concert programmes in the Jeunesses Musicales Slovenia pro-
gramme booklet in September of each year. These were supposed to have
been published for the first time as early as the 1976/77 season,11 but unfor-
tunately, no programme booklets survived from that season in the Jeuness-
es Musicales Slovenia archives or in the Music Collection of the Nation-
al and University Library of Ljubljana; they have only been preserved since
the late 1980s.

It should be pointed out that the search for music reviews was made
harder by the fact that the symphony matinees were public dress rehears-
als of the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra before their evening concert.
As a result, in most cases, the reviews in newspapers did not give the title
of the event as a symphony matinee. Therefore, I searched for reviews that
featured the same performers and programme as the Symphony Matinees
programme announcement, which was shorter for the purposes of the mat-
inees than the actual evening concert of the Slovenian Philharmonic Or-
chestra, on the basis of the available concert programme. This means that

9 J. Z., “Glasba za to sezono,” Delo, September 24, 1974, 8.
10 Retrieved from: “Simfonične matineje GMS,” 4.
11 Personal email correspondence with Dr. Franc Križnar, who served as secretary of

the GMS from 1976 to 1984.

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