Page 48 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2024. Glasbena kritika – nekoč in danes ▪︎ Music Criticism – Yesterday and Today. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 7
P. 48
glasbena kritika – nekoč in danes | music criticism – yesterday and today

and towards art itself,30 even if it is no longer the only and dominating one.31
Such a critical position is also requested from the critic who becomes in a
way the artist’s partner. The art historian, curator and critic Marie de Bru-
gerolle for instance, Professor at the Ecole des beaux arts à Lyon, establish-
es a dialogue with the artists whose works she was interested in.32 By doing
so she becomes a precious counterpart for them. Criticism in such a sense
would provide an alternative to the public institutions and the art market
and thus be an important part in the process of writing a history of art.

If we consider younger critical voices which appear, for instance on
the web, we can find a similar ambition. Quinte parallele an Italian website
dedicated to criticism33 describes the objectives of the initiative as follows:

Why follow Parallel Fifths? ‘Because we ask questions: Parallel Fifths is
a place for sharing ideas, debating and critiquing issues related to clas-
sical music and art music in general, and it is always ready to baste new
reflections and get involved, to follow new questions and new stimuli
to rethink the way we understand our musical culture. [...] Because we
are an alternative: we position ourselves as a new way for the dissemi-
nation of musical culture in Italy, to be able to finally make the voices of
musicians and various workers in the field heard without academic fil-
ters and without fear of taking sides in the cultural chessboard of our

30 Cf. Michael Lüthy, “Vorwort,” in KünstlerKritiker. Zum Verhältnis von Produktion
und Kritik in bildender Kunst und Musik, ed. Michael Custodis et al. (Saarbrücken:
Pfau, 2006), 8.

31 Cf. Hanno Rauterberg, “Wo sich Geist und Macht vereinen, hat es das wilde, das un-
haltbare Denken schwer. Eine junge Künstlergeneration träumt von Heilung und
Versöhnung. Für radikale Kritik von links ist kein Platz mehr. Eine Verlustanzeige,”
Die Zeit, no. 4 (20 January 2022): 46.

32 Cf. Philippe Vergne, “Quelques mots émanés de paroles,” in: Marie de Brugerolle,
Premières critiques (Dijon: Les presses du réel, 2010), 5.

33 I thank Irene Biancardi, who attended my seminar on criticism in 2020, for this in-

34 “Perché seguire Quinte Parallele? ‘Perché ci poniamo delle domande: Quinte paralle-
le e un luogo di condivisione die idee, di dibattito e di critica sulle questioni legate alla
musica classica e alla musica d’arte in generale, ed e sempre pronta ad imbastire nuo-
ve riflessioni e a mettersi in gioco, a seguire nuove domande e nuovi stimoli per ripen-
sare il modo di intendere la nostra cultura musicale. [...] Perché siamo un alternati-
ve: ci poniamo come una nuova via per la diffusione della cultura musicale in Italia,
per poter far sentire finalmente la voce dei musicisti e dei vari lavoratori del settore
senza filtri accademici e senza paura di prendere posizione nella scacchiera cultu-
rale del nostro paese.” Cf. Redazione, “Un Manifesto per Quinte Parallele,” Quinte
Parallele, September 17, 2023,

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