Page 36 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Uhvati pravu ravnotežu! ■ Get the balance right! Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2014.
P. 36
ati pravu ravnotežu! ■ get the balance right! 36 posuđe vrlo često ukrašavano urezivanjem i iskucava- bronze walls depicting different decorative, especial-
njem brončanog plašta s prikazom različitih dekora- ly figural motives, known as Situlae art or Situlae style.
tivnih, osobito figuralnih motiva, poznatog kao situl-
ska umjetnost ili stil. Examples from Osor featured mostly motives of lin-
ear interlaced ornament, spirals, points and circles as
Na osorskim primjercima uglavnom su prisutni line- well as figural motives of lower parts of animals. Only
arni motivi prepleta, spirala, točki i krugova te figural- a single fragment depicts the anthropomorphic mo-
ni motivi donjih dijelova životinja. Na samo jednom tive of a human leg. All fragments demonstrate that
ulomku prikazan je i antropomorfni motiv čovjekove these vessels must have been ritually fragmented, de-
noge. Svi ulomci ukazuju kako su posude morale biti formed and damaged by burning.
namjerno ritualizirane, fragmentirane, deformirane i
oštećene gorenjem. According to their production and style of decora-
tion, the fragments from Osor show connections to
Načinom izradbe i stilom ukrašavanja osorski ulomci the south-east Alpine and north-Italian territory as
odražavaju povezanost kako s jugoistočnim alpskim i well as the area of Tirol. Presence of the later was al-
sjevernoitalskim prostorom tako i s prostorom Tiro- ready proved at examples discovered across the bay in
la, čije je nepobitno prisustvo utjecaja svakako već do- Istrian Nesactium.
kazano kod primjerka iz nasuprotnog, istarskog Ne-
zakcija. Presenting this invaluable heritage of situlae, Osor
became the most southern point on their distribu-
Izdvajanjem te neprocjenjivo vrijedne situlske baštine, tion map and the link which closed the circle of their
Osor je postao najjužnija točka na karti njezine raspro- cultural circulation between the eastern and western
stranjenosti i poveznica koja je zatvorila krug njezina Adriatic coast. At the same time this is just anoth-
kulturna optjecanja između istočne i zapadne jadran- er evidence of an extremely high developed standard
ske obale. Ujedno, to je samo još jedan dokaz o izni- and economic power of Osor which was able to im-
mno visokorazvijenom standardu i o gospodarskoj port such prestigious goods from the period of height
moći koji je Osor posjedovao uvozeći tako prestižnu of creativity of Situlae art at the end of 6th and the 5th
robu od vremena vrhunca stvaralaštva situlske umje- century and all the way to the 4th century BC.
tnosti kraja 6. i 5. st. pa sve do 4. st. pr. Kr.
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