Page 40 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Uhvati pravu ravnotežu! ■ Get the balance right! Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2014.
P. 40
ati pravu ravnotežu! ■ get the balance right! 40 motivi i ženski profili između vitica, pripisani tzv. sre- etabile motives and female faces in profile positioned
dnjoj fazi Gnathia stila. S područja Kvarnera takve pri- in between offshoots ascribed to the so called middle
mjerke zasad poznajemo jedino iz Osora. Nadalje, ti- phase of the Gnathia style. From the territory of Kvar-
jekom 3. st. pr. Kr., uvozila se i keramika tzv. kasne faze ner such finds are known only from Osor. Further,
Gnathia stila, koju obilježava specifična faktura i način during the 3rd century BC, we are witnessing the im-
ukrašavanja gustih kanelura po tijelima posuda. Ke- port of pottery of the so called lathe phase of Gnathia
ramika navedenih obilježja dopremala se iz južnoital- style. It is marked by specific fabrics of the vessels and
skih radionica ponajviše Taranta i Mesapije. decoration of dense grooves on the body of the vessel.
Pottery with such characteristics was imported from
Od kraja 4. st. pr. Kr. iz etruščanskih središta sjever- Taranto and Messapia.
nog Jadrana dopremala se i keramika tipa Alto Adriati-
co. Riječ je također o crvenofiguralnoj produkciji koja From the 4th century BC the Etruscan centres of
je oponašala atičke izvornike, no specifičnih je zde- northern Adriatic were exporting pottery of Alto
pastih oblika posuda i stilske dekoracije njihovih tije- Adriatico style. This was also a red-figure production
la, floralnih motiva i karakterističnih ženskih glava u which imitated Attic originals. It had specific squat-
profilu. Ulomci nekoliko oinohoa izrađenih u tom sti- ted forms and the body decorated in a style combin-
lu poznati su zasad jedino iz Osora. ing floral motives and characteristic female portraits
depicted in profile. Fragments of several oenochoe
decorated in this style are known for now only from
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