Page 41 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Uhvati pravu ravnotežu! ■ Get the balance right! Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2014.
P. 41
avnoteži između »Sjevera« i »Juga« 41
In balance between the »North«
and the »South«

P Ood utjecajem sveprisutnog helenističkig stila na sor adapted new living standards under the
istočnom Sredozemlju, već od kraja 4., a pogla- influences of omnipresent Hellenistic style
vito tijekom 3. st. pr. Kr. Osor prihvaća nove ži-in eastern Mediterranean at the end of 4th

votne standarde. Razvija se i uređuje na način prave ur- and in the 3rd century BC. The settlement was organ-

bane forme. Postojeći bedemi se učvršćuju velikim ized in a proper urban form. Existing city walls were

kamenim blokovima u suhozidu, tzv. megalitskim ili reinforced in a dry wall building technique with large

kiklopskim zidinama. Na istočnoj strani, pored da- stone blocks creating the so-called megalithic city

našnjega groblja i na ulazu u grad, sa zapadne strane walls. On the eastern side and in the entrance to the

pružanja još se dobro mogu uočiti dijelovi konzervira- town on the western part, we can still see parts of pre-

nog bedema toga vremena. Zadržavanjem strateškog served city walls from that period. Preserving the stra-

položaja nezaobilazne luke u tranzitnim komunikaci- tegic position of an unavoidable port in transit com-

jama tog dijela Europe, potiče se ponovno uređenje munications in this part of Europe, new regulation of

tjesnaca i pristaništa te obližnjih uvala Jaz i Bijar kao si- the strait and port were stimulated as well as the reg-

gurnih lučica za pristajanje. ulation of nearby bays of Jaz and Bijar creating save

Nalazi pokretne arheološke građe i nadalje neospor- ports for landing.

no svjedoče o razvijenom društvenom i političkom Small archaeological finds further demonstrate the

statusu Osora unutar ondašnjih gospodarsko-trgo- developed social and political status of Osor in the

vačkih ali i vojno-političkih snaga na Jadranu. economic and trade as well as military and political re-

Posebnost koja se tada filtrira jest zapravo mjesno stva- lations of power in the Adriatic.

ralaštvo u najširem poimanju te riječi. Ono s jedne Uniqueness emerging in that period is actually the lo-

strane, posve konkretno i sigurno pokazuje autohtone cal creativity in its widest sense. It absolutely demon-
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