Page 43 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Uhvati pravu ravnotežu! ■ Get the balance right! Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2014.
P. 43
tničke tradicije, preoblikovane pod utjecajima no- strates with great certainty the autochthonous artistic

vih ideja i djela, vještina i tehnologija. Ponegdje ih na- traditions modified under the influences of new ideas

domještaju ili istiskuju predmeti helenističke obrtnič- and work, skills and technologies. At some point local

ke provenijencije, a ponegdje oni iz svijeta keltskog traditions were replaced or pushed aside by items de-

kulturnog stvaralaštva. Međutim postoji i ne mali broj riving from the Hellenistic artistic provenience, and at

obrazaca koji pokazuju njihovo zajedničko nastupa- some other point by items deriving from the world of

nje, što je s obzirom na položaj Osora realno shvatljivo Celtic cultural creativity. With other words, not a sin-

i očekivano. Drugim riječima, niti jedan od navedenih gle from the mentioned influences was violent and di- u ravnoteži ... ■ in balance between ... 43

utjecaja nije bio nasilan ili izravan, nego postupan, bez rect, but gradual without larger or hastily turnabouts

većih ili naglih preobrata, izabran. Predmeti prestiža i and most of all it was selectively chosen. Items of pres-

luksuznih importa bili su obilježjem standarda sukla- tige and luxurious imports were a characteristic of

dnog vrijednostima šireg kulturnog kruga, posebno a standard which was in accordance with the values

sjevernojadranske kulturne koiné. Tako se ujedno do- of the broader cultural circle – especially the north-
kazao i kontinuitet autohtonog življa koji je primao ern Adriatic cultural koiné. In such way the continui-
te prilagođavao trendove svojim potrebama, shodno ty of the autochthonous populations was substantiat-

vlastitom profiliranom i prepoznatljivom stilu, kako u ed. They were the ones accepting and modifying the

prijašnjim tako i u zadnjim stoljećima stare ere. trends according to their needs in accordance with

their own profiled and recognizable style – in the same

way in the earlier and in the last centuries BC.
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