Page 25 - Pelc, Stanko, ed., 2015. Spatial, social and economic factors of marginalization in the changing global context. Koper, University of Primorska Press.
P. 25
h an Asian origin, penetrating in Southeast and Central Europe 2015 conference of igu commission 23
between the 10th and 11th centuries the gipsy people represent an
interesting community; conservative and often dominated by ar-
chetypes characteristic to the medieval society, this social minority
has a balanced relation with natural ecosystems: building wood and
adobe houses (after the historical moment of the abandonment of
nomadic lifestyle), balanced exploitation of environmental resourc-
es (wood, clay, metals such as copper, iron, silver) by practicing tra-
ditional crafts.
In the same time, the presence of the so-called leaders (such as the
‘international gipsy king’ Dorin Cioaba, emperor of gipsy of every-
where’ Iulian Radulescu), the forms of self-imposed justice inside
the gipsy community (named ‘Stabor’), the practice of divinatory
(the witches Bratara or ‘mother’ Omida), but also their excellency
in music field (from traditional gipsy music – manele to classical mu-
sic marked by real personalities at national and international level
like Ion Voicu – violinist or Johnny Raducanu – composer, especial-
ly jazz music), all these make the gipsy minority an original and con-
troversial study subject.
The European Union elaborated the legal framework meant to
protect this community and to socially integrate it (The Framework
Decision on combating racism and xenophobia (2008/913 / JHA),
the European Anti-Discrimination Directive (2000/43 / EC) and
the EU Framework for national Roma integration strategies up to
2020); in Romania as well, there is a solid legislation that fight against
marginalization and discrimination (Case no. 1206 of 27.11.2001, de-
cision no. 881 of 09.12.1998); The Ministry of Education has devel-
oped a series of projects to reduce dropout and organized cours-
es in their native language, etc. Roma are politically constituted in
the Roma Party represented by a deputy in the Parliament, Nico-
lae Paun.
Despite the aforementioned arguments there are a lot of opinions
supporting the marginalization and discrimination of the gypsy pop-
ulation from Romania. This paper tries to be a critical analysis of all
pros and cons regarding the ‘so-called’ marginalization of this so-
cial minority covering historical, ecological, sociological, econom-
ic and legal aspects.
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