Page 106 - Terčelj, Dušan. 2015. The Culture of Wine in Slovenia. Edited by Aleš Gačnik. University of Primorska Press, Koper.
P. 106
he Culture of Wine in Slovenia

In the independent Slovenia, the Wine Act was adopted in 1997 with numerous supple-
ments governing the selection of varieties and production, as well as the trade in grapes
and wine.

I would now like to give a short description of the main varieties currently grown in all
three winegrowing regions, with emphasis on the old varieties.

Grapevine varieties
in the winegrowing area of Podravje

White varieties

Šipon (Furmint)
is an old indigenous variety, grown in hilly areas of the north-
eastern part of Pannonia (eastern Podravje, Slavonia and northern
Hungary). In Hungary, it is used to produce the famous wines
called Tokaji (the name in this case denotes the region of origin).
The name Tokaji is internationally protected and can only be
used for wines produced from the Furmint (Hungarian for
what is in Slovenia known as Šipon) in the region called Tokaji.
This variety of grapes is in Slovenia most widespread around
the Ljutomer district and produces neutral, white wines with
pronounced acidity. A good vintage with a low yield will give a
full-bodied wine with a very pleasant varietal bouquet. Šipon
grapes can also produce superior “predicate” wines. Ordinary
tart wines are suitable for mixing with mineral water and mak-
ing spritzers, which are a popular thirst quencher. The Šipon
Club unites winegrowers from this region who wish to return to
this wine the reputation it once had. They have set themselves
very high standards for the growing of these grapes and are
marketing a wine of high-quality, recognisable by the design
of the bottle label.

Laški Rizling (Welschriesling)
is most widespread around the Podravje and Posavje regions,
although it is also grown around Vipava. The name laški (Ital-
ian) came from the German Welschriesling. Germans denoted
this variety as foreign to distinguish it from their own (Rhine)
Riesling. Laški Rizling produces neutral wine with a pleasant
acidity. A good vintage, i.e. if it ripens well, will give a pronounced
fruity bouquet. Although it is a late variety, under favourable
conditions it will also give good “predicate” wines.

Renski rizling (Rhine Riesling)
is a high quality white variety from the Rhine Valley. It produces
pleasant, harmonious and high quality wine with a refined but
pronounced bouquet for which it is well-known and which re-
minds the drinker of the aroma of acacia, peach and apple. It is

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