Page 107 - Terčelj, Dušan. 2015. The Culture of Wine in Slovenia. Edited by Aleš Gačnik. University of Primorska Press, Koper.
P. 107
Recognising a wine

a demanding variety for excellent localities. The best wines from this variety come from
Haloze and the area around Maribor, right up to Svečina. Micro locations in the Ormož
Ljutomer hills also suit it. Particularly famous is the Renski Rizling from Kalvarija in
Maribor. Sadly, by choosing to get a higher yield, the Germans have greatly reduced the
high quality of this variety. Hybrids of this variety with others produced in order to get
a high yield with a refined bouquet are also unsuitable. These hybrids have new names
and do not reach the quality of Renski Rizling.

Beli Pinot (Pinot Blanc)
comes from Burgundy and was in the past also known as White
Burgundy. It is an early variety as it ripens early even when there is a
high yield and unfavourable autumnal weather. It produces full har-
monious wines with unpronounced acid and a gentle bouquet.

gives full-bodied and aromatic wines with a more pronounced varietal
bouquet than Pinot Blanc. The aroma typical of this variety is fairly
stable and pronounced in all winegrowing regions around the world;
this is why it is very popular in non-European winegrowing areas.
This variety produces excellent full-bodied and harmonious wines.
In Slovenia, it is grown in all three winegrowing regions.

Sivi Pinot (Pinot Gris)
The grapes are red, with a greyish hue. The wine, too, is reddish un-
less the colour is modified. It produces a pronouncedly full-bodied
extract wine and has a gentle bouquet. The new selections of this
variety offer higher yields, but the wines made from them are not
as full-bodied and do not have such a high extract. In Alsace and
Switzerland it is called “Tokay”, but has no connection with the
Friulian or Hungarian Tokaji. In Slovenia, it is grown in all three
winegrowing regions.

in Podravje and Posavje produces exceptionally aromatic wines
with an aroma of elder flowers or freshly cut grass. The aroma is
strongest in wines produced from grapes that are not fully ripe.
The variety originates in Bordeaux, where famous Sauternes wines
are produced.

Traminec (Traminer)
gives small yields. The small clusters of grapes are of reddish colour.
It produces full-bodied, aromatic wines with a low acid content,
but a high extract and a pronounced varietal bouquet. In Slovenia,
the highest quality is achieved in the Radgona-Kapela vineyards.
The “fragrant” variety has an even stronger, better bouquet with
an aroma of roses.

Corpus Vinorum Poetovionensium, a three-part postcard, 1909.
From the collection of small prints, the Ivan Potrč Library in Ptuj.

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