Page 121 - Terčelj, Dušan. 2015. The Culture of Wine in Slovenia. Edited by Aleš Gačnik. University of Primorska Press, Koper.
P. 121
Recognising a wine

and permission given for these varieties to be grown. The new wine-producing methods
showed that these varieties were suitable for Posavje and Primorska and they do, in fact,
produce excellent wine there. But their original character is changed.

The Wine Act from 1997 classifies wines according to quality as follows:

1st category – table wines:
• no origin

• regional wines with an origin.

2nd category – quality wines with a protected geographic origin:
• quality wines

• high-quality wines

• high-quality wines with a “predicate”.

The quality of wine is assessed by officially appointed commissions from authorised
organisations. The quality category and origin appear on the label.

By the method of production of
grapes and wine

In addition to the natural conditions, the quality and character of wine is most influ-
enced by man and his methods of production. A winegrower decides on the varieties and
the method of the cultivation of grapes, i.e. what sort of raw material he requires so that
he can achieve the best quality and character of wine. A winegrower wishes to use the
given natural characteristics in the best way. When the grapes are picked, the processing
method is decided upon:

a) the classical method:
• white grapes are immediately taken off their stalks, crushed and pressed and the
resulting must is then left to ferment;

• r ed grapes are taken off their stalks, crushed and macerated for a few days so that
colour, tannin and aromatic substances are extracted out of the skin and pips during

b) red grapes can be carbon macerated in a carbonated atmosphere so that the aromatic
substances and polyphenols are leached out; due to fermentation being more difficult
under CO2 pressure, a fruitier aroma appears;

c) production of wine using the barrique method;

d) production of sparkling wine.

A winegrower must also decide whether he will pick the grapes when theyare not fully
mature if he wants the wine to have sufficient acidity. Some varieties in particular, such as
Sauvignon, benefit from being picked early in warm climates, which preserves the varietal

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