Page 148 - Terčelj, Dušan. 2015. The Culture of Wine in Slovenia. Edited by Aleš Gačnik. University of Primorska Press, Koper.
P. 148
he Culture of Wine in Slovenia

9. Januarja 2004 je bilo na Ptuju ustanovljeno Združenje slovenskega reda vitezov vina, ki ima osem omizij:1 - Brda in
Vipavska dolina, 2 - Celje, 3- Dolenjska, Bela krajina in Posavje, 4 - Ljubljana, 5 - Maribor, 6 - Pomurje, 7 - Ptuj, Ormož, 8 -
Slovenska Istra in Kras. Foto: Aleš Gačnik.

The Order of St. Fortunat
present in all European countries, including Slovenia since 1991. The Order is named
after Bishop Fortunat, who worked in France and died in 600 AD in Poitiers. He strove
for the quality of life of both the poor and the wealthy. This is why the Order’s members
must strive for quality of life, proper food and wine culture. The Order bestows the
title Maison de qualité, i.e. “house of quality”. The Order is led by the general priorate
with a seat in Wurzburg, which consists of three general priors. After joining the order,
members get the title of Chevalier, then Officier, Commandeur, Marechal and the high-
est title of Grand Marechal. The number of members is limited. In Slovenia, the Order
can have only 38 members.

The image of St. Fortunat (535-609) and the insignia of his order.
Photo: Borut Šraj.

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