Page 170 - Terčelj, Dušan. 2015. The Culture of Wine in Slovenia. Edited by Aleš Gačnik. University of Primorska Press, Koper.
P. 170
Culture of Wine in Slovenia

VTC 6: The Below Gorjanci wine route

In the Dolenjska wine growing district there are three wine routes, the most interesting
being the Below Gorjanci one.

It leads along the foot of the Gorjanci Hills, where vineyards Children grape-picking in Stari grad,
appear quite high up, looking for sunny localities: from 2003. Photo: Stane Košir.
Žužemberk via Dolenjske Toplice to Pleterje, Kostanjevica,
Čatež, Mokrice and to Velika dolina. The numerous vineyards
are surrounded by woods that alleviate the summer heat.
This is where the best Cviček can be found, in particular
in Gadova peč. In these villages they have always made a
slightly darker Cviček compared to that on the Dolenjska
hills.40 Along the way, there are the following castles and
manor houses: Žužemberk, Soteska and Mokrice, as well as
the Carthusian monastery in Pleterje, where excellent wines
are made. In Kostanjevica there is the wine cellar of the

Cviček cellar in Božidar Jakac Gallery in Kostanjevica on the River Krka with the custodian Helena Rožman, 2006.
Photos: Aleš Gačnik.

former wine cooperative that succeeded in giving Gadova peč, 2003. Photo: Alojz Konec.
Cviček the reputation of being a healing wine.
Also in Kostanjevica there is a very nicely restored
Cistercian monastery with a gallery displaying
the works of Božidar Jakac and other artists, as
well as a forma viva with oak-wood sculptures.
In Brežice there is a castle with a large hall, a
museum and a gallery displaying the work of the
painter Franjo Stiplovšek. There is also a wine
cellar with Bizeljsko wines.

40 Since Cviček was given legal protection in 2000, the very light red colour is no longer desirable. A slight
tartness is now also allowed, whereas in the past it had to be very smooth.

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