Page 175 - Terčelj, Dušan. 2015. The Culture of Wine in Slovenia. Edited by Aleš Gačnik. University of Primorska Press, Koper.
P. 175
Getting to know wine

The Wine Growing Region
of Podravje

VTC 10: The Šmarje-Virštajn wine route

The viticulture in Šmarje-Virštajn winegrowing
district, situated in the Kozjansko region, is too
much behind the times in terms of the economic
aspects of wine production to be able to appear
on the European Union market. But this is not
the district’s own fault. Kozjansko has simply
been left to its own devices. Here, unlike in
other winegrowing districts, the state did not
built wine-producing cellars which would direct
and shape viticultural development. The people

The VTC 10 sign, 2006.
Photo: Aleš Gačnik.

Signposts along wine routes A cockerel chases birds away
around Rogaška Slatina, 2006. from trellises. Jerčin, 2006.
Photo: Aleš Gačnik. Photo: Aleš Gačnik.

of Kozjansko, rather late, thus built their own cellar in Imeno, which is slowly making its
way onto the market. The area does have all the conditions for the production of quality
white and red wines, in particular Modra Frankinja. This is proven by the success of
individual winegrowers, who deserve a visit. The landscape in this area is varied and hilly,
and in sunny localities very favourable to the cultivation of the vine.

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