Page 165 - Terčelj, Dušan. 2015. The Culture of Wine in Slovenia. Edited by Aleš Gačnik. University of Primorska Press, Koper.
P. 165
Getting to know wine

on the Kras is special, the people living there, their vineyards and the wine Kraški Teran
must be special too. The latter was described and valued by the Roman writer Pliny, who
called it a healing wine.

The viticultural landscape of Tomaj on the Kras, 2006.
Photo: Staša Cafuta.

The Kras wine route leads through ethno- The wine routes overall graphic design, 2006.
logically interesting villages. The church in Photo: Staša Cafuta.
Križ is built entirely of stone and covered
with slate. On Turk’s farm in Šepulje there
grows the oldest Teranovka grapevine. The
centres of Kras viticulture are Tomaj and
Dutovlje, where the full beauty of the Kras
can be seen, especially in the autumn when
the grapes are ripe and glow in all possible
hues of red. Štanjel, a medieval stone town,
dominates the area. In the villages of Komen,
Pliskovica, Skopo, Kopriva, Ponikve, Avber,
Dobravlje, Kazle and Štorje there are a number
of tourist winegrowing farms and excellent
restaurants, where you can try the Kraški
Teran wine, pršut air-dried ham and other
local specialities. In Sežana there is a large
wine cellar, a botanical garden and, nearby,
the Lipica stud farm.

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