Page 64 - Terčelj, Dušan. 2015. The Culture of Wine in Slovenia. Edited by Aleš Gačnik. University of Primorska Press, Koper.
P. 64
he Culture of Wine in Slovenia

Table 1
Land area planted with vines and yields in the late 18th century,
according to the Josephine land register 19

Area in hectares Yield in hectolitres Yield in hectolitres/hectare

Styria 29,186 335,169 11.5
Carniola 8,659 93,166 10,7

Table 2
Land area and yields in 1870,
according to the land register created during the rule of Franz I 20

Area in hectares Yield in hectolitres Yield in hectolitres/hectare

Styria 23,512 517,616 22.0
222,671 23.1
Carniola (with the
80,226 13.5
upper Vipava area) 9,621

Littoral (without

the upper Vipava area

and Koper) 5,952

Table 3
Land area after the renovation of 1896 21

Surface in hectares

Styria 22,746
Carniola (with the upper Vipava area) 10,871
Littoral (without the upper Vipava area) 6,928
Koper area

Total: 46,495

Table 4
Land area in Podravje and Posavje (without Primorska) 22

1896 22,968 hectares
1954 15,493
1969 22,879

Table 5
Total winegrowing area on the territory of the present-day Slovenia23

hectares reduction of hectares

1896 45,938 /
1954 31,346 -14,592
1969 21,881 -9,465

19 Valenčič, 1970, p. 294.
20 Valenčič, 1970, p. 296-97
21 Valenčič, 1970, p. 301
22 Belec, 1976, p. 34
23 Ibid., p. 34

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