Page 65 - Terčelj, Dušan. 2015. The Culture of Wine in Slovenia. Edited by Aleš Gačnik. University of Primorska Press, Koper.
P. 65
The Culture of Wine Drinking

Table 6
Reduction in hectares of winegrowing land by village in the Vipava municipality24

Village Hectares prior to Phylloxera Hectares before WW1 (1913) Hectares in 1955

Lozice 75 ha 40.29 19
Podnanos 125 ha 45 a 71.46 42
Podraga 75.31 57
Lože 47 ha 69 a 73.60 51
Goče 82 ha 5 a 53.63 38
Slap 73.88 65
Total 121 ha 7 a 388.17 272
41 ha 61 a
492 ha 87 a

Table 7

Winegrowing land and yields in Slovenia in 2002 by individual district
(according to Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food)

District Hectares for Yield for Yield for Yield per
No. of market 2001 Yield per 2002
wine-growers Hectares production in hectolitres hectare in hectolitres Per hectare

Maribor 1,354 1,767 1,463 62,525 42.7 57,522 39.3

Radgona-Kapela 825 932 795 47,200 59.4 33,562 42.2

Ljutomer-Ormož 1,462 1,701 1,585 69,283 43.7 64,800 40.9

Haloze 1,162 865 633 26,742 26.7 18,189 28.7

Central 997 624 459 18,339 40.0 16,836 36.7
Slovenske Gorice 351 21,179 60.3 19,711 56.1
300 10,952 36.5 10,918 36.4
Prekmurje 2,391 563 565 25,078 44.4 19,916 35.2
614 27,763 45.2 39,547 64.4
Šmarje-Virštajn 1,231 549 220 10,533 47.9 12,487 56.8
1,810 124,923 69.0 79,270 43.8
Bizeljsko-Sremič 1,754 935 2,260 123,252 54.5 96,698 42.8
435 18,119 41.7 12,417 28.5
Dolenjska 5,690 1,391 1,176 59,060 50.2 57,828 68.0
12,666 644,948 50.9 539,702 42.6
Bela Krajina 1,816 407

Goriška Brda 913 1,875

Vipava 1,840 2,443

Kras 862 537

Koper 736 1,317

Total 15,906

24 Terčelj, 1956, p. 27

   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70