Page 74 - Terčelj, Dušan. 2015. The Culture of Wine in Slovenia. Edited by Aleš Gačnik. University of Primorska Press, Koper.
P. 74
he Culture of Wine in Slovenia

The 2006 and previous wine queens at the 25th agricultural festivity in Svečina, 2006. Photo: Aleš Gačnik.
The throne of the wine queen. The agricultural
festival in Svečina, 2006. Photo: Aleš Gačnik.

At the Art & heritage
festival in Ptuj, the
organisers devoted
particular attention to
an attractive promotion
of the culture of
wine drinking and
the presentation of
champions from the Ptuj
wine cellar. From left to
right: Janja Korošec (the
current wine queen of
the Radgona – Kapela
vineyards), Bojan Kobal
(the chief oenologist from the Ptuj wine cellar), Urška Vučak (actress and compère), the main guest of the evening actor Bojan
Emeršič (in the role of the popular Zmago Batina, and expert in “the wine Mafia in Ptuj and Slovenia”), Majda Dreisibner
(one of the previous Maribor wine queens), Svetlana Širec (the current Slovene wine queen) and Aleš and Stanka Gačnik (the
festival organizers). Ptuj Summer Night, 2008. Photo: Uroš Grbič.

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