Page 38 - Fister jr., Iztok, and Andrej Brodnik (eds.). StuCoSReC. Proceedings of the 2015 2nd Student Computer Science Research Conference. Koper: University of Primorska Press, 2015
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[5] P. Harish and P. J. Narayanan. Accelerating large
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[8] J. J. McAuley and T. S. Caetano. An expected-case
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problem in R. CoRR, abs/0912.0975, 2009.
[9] Y. Peres, D. Sotnikov, B. Sudakov, and U. Zwick.
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[10] S. Pettie. A new approach to all-pairs shortest paths
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[11] S. Pettie and V. Ramachandran. A shortest path
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with positive integer weights in linear time. J. ACM,
46(3):362–394, May 1999.
[13] G. Venkataraman, S. Sahni, and S. Mukhopadhyaya.
A blocked all-pairs shortest-paths algorithm. J. Exp.
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StuCoSReC Proceedings of the 2015 2nd Student Computer Science Research Conference 38
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 6 October
[4] S.-C. Han, F. Franchetti, and M. Pu¨schel. Program
generation for the all-pairs shortest path problem. In
Proceedings of the 15th international conference on
Parallel architectures and compilation techniques,
PACT ’06, pages 222–232, New York, NY, USA, 2006.
[5] P. Harish and P. J. Narayanan. Accelerating large
graph algorithms on the GPU using CUDA. In
Proceedings of the 14th international conference on
High performance computing, HiPC’07, pages 197–208,
Berlin, Heidelberg, 2007. Springer-Verlag.
[6] D. Karger, D. Koller, and S. J. Phillips. Finding the
hidden path: time bounds for all-pairs shortest paths.
SIAM Journal on Computing, 22(6):1199–1217, 1993.
[7] G. J. Katz and J. T. Kider, Jr. All-pairs shortest-paths
for large graphs on the GPU. In Proceedings of the
symposium on Graphics hardware, GH ’08, pages
47–55, Aire-la-Ville, Switzerland, Switzerland, 2008.
Eurographics Association.
[8] J. J. McAuley and T. S. Caetano. An expected-case
sub-cubic solution to the all-pairs shortest path
problem in R. CoRR, abs/0912.0975, 2009.
[9] Y. Peres, D. Sotnikov, B. Sudakov, and U. Zwick.
All-pairs shortest paths in O(n2) time with high
probability. In Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE 51st
Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer
Science, FOCS ’10, pages 663–672, Washington, DC,
USA, 2010. IEEE Computer Society.
[10] S. Pettie. A new approach to all-pairs shortest paths
on real-weighted graphs. Theor. Comput. Sci.,
312(1):47–74, January 2004.
[11] S. Pettie and V. Ramachandran. A shortest path
algorithm for real-weighted undirected graphs. SIAM
J. Comput., 34(6):1398–1431, June 2005.
[12] M. Thorup. Undirected single-source shortest paths
with positive integer weights in linear time. J. ACM,
46(3):362–394, May 1999.
[13] G. Venkataraman, S. Sahni, and S. Mukhopadhyaya.
A blocked all-pairs shortest-paths algorithm. J. Exp.
Algorithmics, 8, Dec. 2003.
StuCoSReC Proceedings of the 2015 2nd Student Computer Science Research Conference 38
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 6 October