Page 41 - Fister jr., Iztok, and Andrej Brodnik (eds.). StuCoSReC. Proceedings of the 2015 2nd Student Computer Science Research Conference. Koper: University of Primorska Press, 2015
P. 41
ure 2: One of many windmills representing writers.
Figure 3: Player has already visited windmill.
In this project three different scripts have been used. First 3. CONCLUSIONS
script, written in JavaScript, is the main script of this pro-
ject and contains almost all of the game logic. It is used for The project of this kind involves the expertise of collabo-
manipulation of the quotes and instructions shown on the rators from different disciplines, where one of the problems
screen as well as for showing and hiding houses and wind- that surface is also how to find a common language to com-
mills. It is attached to first person controller (the object municate what is important for each of them. This entails
which moves around and is controlled by player) and is tri- communicating the way, how each of the collaborators has
ggered when this controller comes to the predetermined di- to prepare the necessary materials with which the other di-
stance from the house or windmill - the area which object scipline has to work, and also explaining, what are the goals
collider covers. and standards of each of the collaborators that have to be
met in the project. Our collaboration was successful, the 3D
Other two scripts are written in C# and they control but- visualization of connections between Dutch women writers
tons in main menu and teleportation of the player which that has been presented in this paper will be exhibited at
makes the interaction easier and enables player to quickly the conference related to the Women Writers database in
return from windmill to the house. When player enters te- Letterkundig Museum in Hague in September 2015.
leportation area, he/she is teleported back to the vicinity of
the house that he/she came from to this windmill, instead 4. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
of walking all the way back.
The project was realized in collaboration with the HERA
project "Travelling Texts 1790-1914: The Transnational Re-
ception Of Women’s Writing At the Fringes of Europe".
StuCoSReC Proceedings of the 2015 2nd Student Computer Science Research Conference 41
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 6 October
Figure 3: Player has already visited windmill.
In this project three different scripts have been used. First 3. CONCLUSIONS
script, written in JavaScript, is the main script of this pro-
ject and contains almost all of the game logic. It is used for The project of this kind involves the expertise of collabo-
manipulation of the quotes and instructions shown on the rators from different disciplines, where one of the problems
screen as well as for showing and hiding houses and wind- that surface is also how to find a common language to com-
mills. It is attached to first person controller (the object municate what is important for each of them. This entails
which moves around and is controlled by player) and is tri- communicating the way, how each of the collaborators has
ggered when this controller comes to the predetermined di- to prepare the necessary materials with which the other di-
stance from the house or windmill - the area which object scipline has to work, and also explaining, what are the goals
collider covers. and standards of each of the collaborators that have to be
met in the project. Our collaboration was successful, the 3D
Other two scripts are written in C# and they control but- visualization of connections between Dutch women writers
tons in main menu and teleportation of the player which that has been presented in this paper will be exhibited at
makes the interaction easier and enables player to quickly the conference related to the Women Writers database in
return from windmill to the house. When player enters te- Letterkundig Museum in Hague in September 2015.
leportation area, he/she is teleported back to the vicinity of
the house that he/she came from to this windmill, instead 4. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
of walking all the way back.
The project was realized in collaboration with the HERA
project "Travelling Texts 1790-1914: The Transnational Re-
ception Of Women’s Writing At the Fringes of Europe".
StuCoSReC Proceedings of the 2015 2nd Student Computer Science Research Conference 41
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 6 October