Page 48 - Pelc, Stanko, and Miha Koderman, eds., 2016. Regional development, sustainability, and marginalization. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 48
ional development, sustainability, and marginalization 46 tional programmes in Slovenia in a bilingual area in the municipality
of Koper/Capodistria, where two cultures are intertwined histori-
cally: Slovenian and Italian. The economy in this region is oriented in
the service economy: esp. tourism, casinos, banks, insurance com-
panies, and logistics, with a port among the biggest in Adriatic re-
gion, the Port of Koper, located on the Coast of Slovenia, border-
ing Croatia and Italy.
UP is structured into six faculties and two research centres; the
main research fields are Management, Educational Sciences, Math-
ematics, Computer Sciences, Biodiversity, Mediterranean Agricul-
ture and Olive Oil, Sustainable Use of Wood, Health and Health
Prevention, Tourism, Philosophy, Intercultural Studies, History and
Heritage, Linguistics. UP has signed the European Charter for Re-
searchers and a Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Research-
ers. In 2010, the Senate of UP adopted the Human Resources (HR)
strategy for researchers (2010-2014) and the action plan for its im-
plementation, which is being evaluated and is in the phase of its
supplementation. Through these, UP wishes to achieve excellence
in research to improve its visibility within ERA and internationally;
provide greater internal and external credibility of UP in relation to
researchers, public authorities and the public; integrate and active-
ly participate in the international scientific community.
At the same time, UP has significant experience in project man-
agement and coordination in different international project and
programs, especially at the EU level (in 6th FP and 7th FP, the
Cross-border Cooperation Programmes 2007-2013, i.e. Italy-Slo-
venia, Slovenia-Croatia, IPA Adriatic Cross-Border Programmes,
South East and Central Europe programme). Currently, UP is in-
volved in 47 international research and development projects; in
the last two framework programmes (6th and 7th) UP participat-
ed in 11 as a partner in consortiums, five of which are still in ex-
ecution. The research activities in cross-border and international
programmes is evident in UP’s budget in the last financial frame-
work of EC, from 2007-2013. Temporarily, UP is a leading partner in
eight international projects, amounting to €16,000,000, and on the
level of whole consortiums, the international projects in execution
amount to €64,500,000, with an 18% share going to UP. The annual
turnover for 2013 amounts to €24,239,483 and annual balance sheet
for 2013 is €46,695,250. UP is currently involved in 60 national pro-
grammes and projects, 44 bilateral projects and is training 60 young
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