Page 51 - Pelc, Stanko, and Miha Koderman, eds., 2016. Regional development, sustainability, and marginalization. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
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versity of Primorska, 2016 conference of igu commission 49
Faculty of Tourism Studies – Turistica
Univerza na Primorskem,
Fakulteta za turistične študije – Turistica
Address: Obala 11a, SI-6320 Portorož – Portorose, Slovenia
Telephone: + 386 5 617 7000
Fax: + 386 5 617 7020
The Faculty of Tourism Studies – Turistica – is a member of the Uni-
versity of Primorska. It is the only faculty of tourism in Slovenia that
offers multi-disciplinary teaching and research of tourism and ed-
ucates people in high-quality planning, management and excellent
tourism services.
Turistica has its roots in 1994, when the College of Hotel and Trav-
el Administration was founded within the framework of the Tem-
pus project. A year later, the first students enrolled. Since 2003, Tu-
ristica has been a member of the University of Primorska, and in
2008 it became a faculty. Twenty years later, Turistica is proud to
have study programmes on all three levels, as the Innovative Tour-
ism doctoral study programme was implemented in 2012.
In addition to study activities, a wide range of other events takes
place at Turistica, including the conferences Encuentros and TIM
(Tourism, Education and Management), FuTuristica round tables,
and the AvanTuristica gallery.

University of Primorska, Faculty of Management
Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za management
Address: Cankarjeva 5, p.p. 761, SI-6101 Koper, Slovenia
Telephone: + 386 5 610 2000
Fax: + 386 5 610 2015
The Faculty of Management is a higher education institution for ed-
ucation and research in the fields of social sciences and business
management. In addition to education and research, the basic activ-
ities of the faculty are providing consultancy to companies and oth-
er organizations, publishing and organization of international con-
ferences. The Faculty of Management was established in 1995 as
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