Page 53 - Pelc, Stanko, and Miha Koderman, eds., 2016. Regional development, sustainability, and marginalization. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
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hy in combination with another course of study. In the second 2016 conference of igu commission 51
stage of their studies, the students choosing the first programme
can opt for the following courses: Environmental and Physical Ge-
ography, Regional Planning and Urban-Rural Studies, Political Ge-
ography, Geography of Tourism and Applied Geoinformatics. The
students enrolled in the two-discipline course take the pedagogy
module in the second stage of their studies.
The department houses the largest geographical library in Slovenia,
a department of the Central Humanities Library (Osrednja Human-
istična Knjižnica or OHK); it includes a cartographic collection. The
physical geography laboratory and the Cartography and Geo-Infor-
matics Laboratory (GIKL) enable students to gain practical knowl-
edge and skills that help them use modern tools and procedures.
This provides a significant advantage to our graduates when they
are looking for a job.

Department of Geography,
University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts
Oddelek za geografijo,
Univerza v Mariboru, Filozofska fakulteta
Address: Koroška cesta 160, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia
Telephone: + 386 2 229 3840
Fax: + 386 2 229 3625
The development of the Department of Geography in Maribor
dates back to 1961. In 1985, we started to conduct a vocational
study program of geography that has been a university program
since 1995. Since 1999, we have also conducted graduate studies of
geography for the field of education. In 2006, the Department of
Geography became part of the newly established Faculty of Arts
of University of Maribor, which brought several innovations to the
study of geography. The former study programs have been re-
placed step-by-step by new Bologna study programs.
In the 2008/09 academic year, we started to perform the new Bo-
logna university first-cycle double-major geography study program.
Graduates obtained a proper general geographic education that
can be upgraded in continuation (in the 2011/12 academic year) on
the second cycle in two graduate study programs: the second-cycle
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