Page 35 - Fister jr., Iztok, and Andrej Brodnik (eds.). StuCoSReC. Proceedings of the 2016 3rd Student Computer Science Research Conference. Koper: University of Primorska Press, 2016
P. 35
Algorithm 2 Generic recipe for the new nature-inspired
algorithm proposal

1: Watch TV, browse internet, go for a walk in nature in
order to get inspiration for your new algorithm

2: while searching in progress do
3: if you get an idea about a new algorithm:
4: check if your proposed name is still free (browse via

major search engines and databasess)
5: if name is free:
6: develop formulas
7: choose benchmark functions
8: run experiments
9: write and publish a paper
10: spread the word about your algorithm
11: else repeat until you find another inspiration

Figure 1: The emergence of new algorithms (accord- bait for younger researchers, especially students. Students
ing to Github repository EC-Bestiary.) do not have a global view on a particular research area and,
thus, they simply succumb to new algorithms. Many papers
4. MOTIVATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT that propose new algorithms are written in tempting style
OF THE NEW POPULATION-BASED and it really attracts students. Moreover, even various re-
NATURE-INSPIRED ALGORITHMS searchers from other totally different research areas (geology,
space exploration, leisure studies, etc.) sometimes use new
In order to find what is actually the motivation behind the algorithms for research. They do not care about roots, they
development of a new algorithm, we should take a more just want to solve their problems (no matter what method
global view. As many papers have already shown [21, 22, solves the problem). At the end, industry is the last thing
25, 24], that the new algorithms are actually old algorithms here. People from industry need a solution for their prob-
in new disguises (similar as Spy character in Team Fortress lem. If they see that one algorithm is good for their problem
2 game) we should discover why researchers created a new they take it.
algorithm artificially and masked it within the new inspi-
ration. We believe that motivation is connected with pub- 7. HOW TO STOP THE INVASION OF THE
lishing and citations. This research area is really wide and POPULATION-BASED NATURE-INSPIRED
offers excellent opportunities for publication. Along with ALGORITHMS?
this statement, publication also opens a pool for citations.
Thus, one of the main motivations behind new algorithms We believe that the invasion of the new population-based
is more or less the current publishing situation. nature-inspired algorithms could be stopped within the next
five years. All trends in evolution are the same. At the be-
5. GENERIC RECIPE FOR PROPOSING ginning there is a high rise, when it comes to the top then it
THE NEW POPULATION-BASED goes down slowly. At the moment the trend is not rising any
NATURE-INSPIRED ALGORITHM more and many Editors and Reviewers are informed about
this problem. Recently, many papers that show the prob-
After studying some of the new population-based nature- lems of this area have been released [22, 7, 6, 21, 5]. Some
inspired algorithms, we can simply propose a generic recipe Journal Editorial Boards have even revised their rules and
that captures all the ingredients of the successful creation they do not accept papers where questionable metaphors are
of a new nature-inspired algorithm. The generic recipe is presented [11]. By the same token, the Matthew effect [20,
presented in Algorithm 2. At the beginning, researchers are 17] that depicts ”the rich tend to be richer” almost always
looking for an idea. While searching is in progress, when works. Hence, old and famous algorithms will always be
they get an idea, they need to reconcile the name of the new more powerful than artificially created algorithms.
algorithm. If the name is still free, then the researchers need
to develop formulas, choose test functions, run experiments 7.1 Swarm intelligence behavior in the
and publish a paper. At the end, they also need to spread population-based nature-inspired algorithm
the word about the algorithm. This could be done easily by development
various social networks.
The definition of the swarm intelligence based algorithms
6. IMPLICATIONS OF THE NEW NATURE- were outlined in the previous sections. The swarm intelli-
INSPIRED ALGORITHMS gence based algorithms family are, these days, more popular
and there are also many journals that are devoted to these
Mostly, the new population-based nature-inspired algorithms kinds of algorithms. As a matter of fact, swarm intelligence
do not affect older researchers (however, there are some ex- based algorithms propose many individuals that execute
ceptions), while new algorithms of this kind are excellent simple actions and their behavioral actions leads into
a complex and decentralized system. Can we find any
parallel points with the process of new nature-inspired al-

StuCoSReC Proceedings of the 2016 3rd Student Computer Science Research Conference 35
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 12 October
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