Page 36 - Fister jr., Iztok, and Andrej Brodnik (eds.). StuCoSReC. Proceedings of the 2016 3rd Student Computer Science Research Conference. Koper: University of Primorska Press, 2016
P. 36
le 1: Parallel points between the definition of swarm intelligence and the process of creation of new
nature-inspired algorithms.

Definition of swarm intelligence New nature-inspired algorithm cre-

many individuals many authors

simple actions watching the inspiration in nature,
giving a new name for the algo-
rithm, developing a formula

behavioral actions publishing a paper
complex name motivates other individuals,
new hybrid and adaptive variants

decentralized algorithm is spread all over the
world, impossible to stop spreading
this algorithm – the same as viruses
for example

gorithm creation? The Table 1 shows point to point com- the research community will help drastically in preventing
parison among these two processes. What is the most in- the emergence of new population-based nature-inspired al-
teresting is that the process of new algorithm creation pos- gorithms on new proposal attempts and make this research
sesses the behavior of swarm intelligence. Swarm intelli- area clean again. Finally, the evolution of everything has
gence based algorithms consist of many individuals. On the not been finished in one night, but it took a lot of time.
other hand, the process of population-based nature-inspired Eventually, it could also be the same for population-based
algorithms is guided by many authors. Simple actions (for nature-inspired algorithms.
example foraging in bees or pheromone tracking in ants or
even home building by termites) are, in the process of new 9. REFERENCES
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