Page 53 - Fister jr., Iztok, and Andrej Brodnik (eds.). StuCoSReC. Proceedings of the 2016 3rd Student Computer Science Research Conference. Koper: University of Primorska Press, 2016
P. 53
INFLUENCE-MAXIMIZATION 3.2 Reducing the solution space

At the original model a function σ(·) is given at the IC model To accelarate our methods we have to reduce the solution
and we are looking for the set, for which the function is space. The elements of the initial set of vertices are from the
maximal. For the general case a function w of probabilities set of which the elements have positive input probability at
is given a priori and it is not obvious how we can maximize the positive case. At the negative case there are only those
it. We defined two problems to analyze the function. They elements in the initial set which are smaller than the input
are positive and negative influence maximization problem value. This reduction is useful because the excluded ele-
connection with spreading of positive and negative effect. ments are not important at calculating the estimated proba-
bility of the network. In this case the influence-maximization
3.1 Influence-maximization in the GIC problem is to find reduced set V an initial set A with given
k elements, where these elements have maximal infection.
Because the influence-maximization problem has not been Formally let v ∈ V :
defined for more general cases, we defined two infection-
maximization problems. Both problems have modified in- • Positive case: if wv > 0, then v ∪ V ∗
put probabilities. For the positive case we defined probabil-
ity values, which are greater than zero on vertices of initial • Negative case: if wvup < wv, then v ∪ V ∗
vertex set. It is zero on the other vertices. An example
for the positive case is product affinity, which is measured We prove that we can get optimal value after the reduction.
by the reaction of the clients for a product at the service Lemma 1. Let V ∗ denote elements of V , for which the
sector. An example for the negative infection maximization input infection w is positive at network G and case of GIC
model is churn prediction. We measure the relationship be- model. Thus, infection function σpG(w) gets its optimal value
tween the clients and the service provider. We would like to on the set A ⊆ V ∗.
maximize the minimal churn. In this case there are the so Lemma 2. Let V ∗ denote elements of V , for which value
called ‘uplift’ probability values, which are given at initial wup less than input infection w at network G and case of
vertices of vertex set. These values are measured for the GIC model. Thus, infection function σnG(wn) gets its opti-
clients at the service providers. The vertices that are not in mal value on the set A ⊆ V ∗.
the initial vertex set can be measured by the original prob-
ability values. These values give the size of the client churn 4. SOLUTION METHODS
at companies. The formally definitions of tasks are the next:
Since Kempe et al. in [7] realized that approximation of the
Definition 1. (Positive influence maximization model) Hav- optimum of the complex task can be given with arbitrary
ing a network G, where a set A ⊂ V . Let w function of precision with the help of a greedy algorithm, it seems nat-
weights, and F a GIC model. Furthermore let wpA,v the mod- ural to use it at the general case. We illustrate what type
ified input probability, where of acceleration can be used for the calculation.

• ∀v ∈ A, wpA,v = wv 4.1 Greedy framework

• ∀v ∈/ A, wpA,v = 0. In this section we introduce a theorem which can be used for
the specified two tasks and we show the proof. To present
Optimization task: Search set A with k elements, where our results, we need to introduce some concepts based on
σp(A) = σ(wpA) is maximal. [7]. We said that function f is submodular if it satisfies a
natural ‘diminishing returns’ property: the marginal gain
Thus elements of A get values according to w, another ele- from adding the same element to a superset of S. Formally,
ments (V \ A) get zero. a submodular function satisfies

Definition 2. (Negative influence maximization model) An f (S ∪ {v}) − f (S) ≥ f (T ∪ {v}) − f (T ),
IC model which of input infection have a wnA,v modified input
probability, where for all elements v and all pairs of sets S ⊆ T . And a function
f monotone if adding an element to a set cannot cause f to
• ∀v ∈ A, wnA,v = wvup, uplift probability decrease:

• ∀v ∈/ A, wnA,v = wv. f (S ∪ {v}) ≥ f (S).

Optimization task: Search set A with k elements, where The greedy method starts from an empty set. It repeatedly
σn(A) = σ(w) − σ(wnA) is maximal. adds the vertex x to set A maximizing the marginal gain
g(A ∪ {x}) − g(A) if having a submodular function g. [3]
Thus elements of A get values according to an uplift func-
tion, another elements (V \ A) get values according to w. In [8] Nemhauser et al. studied the monotone, submodular
At the campain of the products k clients are targeted for
both cases. At the current infection process step all suscep- Theorem 1. Let σ(·) denote a non-negative, monotone,
tible elements will be activated according to their edge and submodular function. Then the greedy algorithm (for k iter-
vertex probabilities. ations) adds an element with the largest marginal increase
in σ(·) produces a k-element set A such that

σ(A) ≥ (1 − 1/e) · max|B|=kσ(B)

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Ljubljana, Slovenia, 12 October
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