Page 55 - Fister jr., Iztok, and Andrej Brodnik (eds.). StuCoSReC. Proceedings of the 2016 3rd Student Computer Science Research Conference. Koper: University of Primorska Press, 2016
P. 55
Test Cases our problems. We reduced the search space with different
method to reach the required accuracy, and to accelerate our
In many test cases we investigated the main behavior of al- process. In the end we compared the results. In the future
gorithms. We worked with about hundred graphs, which we would like to build an efficient simulate annealing frame-
came from a word-association case study. In this graphs the work, then we will test our method on real graphs with real
vertices are words, and the directed connections are associa- churn value from databases of companies.
tion one of words to another. We also used graph generator
(Forest Fire Model) to obtain graphs. [1] The vertex num- Although during the work a lot of theoretical compositions
ber in these graphs is from hundred to thousand. The rate and methods have been introduced, but they have a rele-
of those vertices where the uplift probability is greater than vant role to play in everyday life. Nowadays the informa-
input probability is 25%. For other vertices the rate is 50%. tion spreading and viral marketing are becoming more and
In the first case, the increase of probabilities can be up to more common terms. Economic agents realized that finding
20%, at the other case, the decrease of probabilities can be the relevant customers in connection with the given problem
up to 60%. The other parameters can be seen on the next means financial potential. Solving such questions precisely
table. and quickly can give unexpected positive results.

Table 1: Parameterization 7. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

variable value I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Miklo´s Kr´esz,
my supervisor for his enthusiastic encouragement and useful
p(u, v) 0, 1 remarks of this research work.

|V | 100, .., 1000 This research was supported by National Research, Develop-
ment and Innovation Office - NKFIH Fund No. SNN-117879.
wv [0, 1]withunif ormdistribution
k |V |·0, 05 8. REFERENCES

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