Page 124 - Mevlja, Bojan, in Kavčič, Klemen, 2016. Vpliv deležnikov na razvoj nevladnih izobraževalnih organizacij. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 124
———. 2015. »n vo sektor: dejstva in številke.«
Costa, Ericka, Tommaso Ramus in Michele Andreaus. 2011. »Accountabi-
lity As a Managerial Tool in Non-Profit Organizations: Evidence from
Italian csvs.« Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonpro-
fit Organizations 22 (3): 470–493.
Cutt, James. 1982. »Accountability, Efficiency, and the ‘Bottom Line’ in
Nonprofit Organizations.« Canadian Public Administration 25 (3): 311–
Črnak-Meglič, Andreja, in Tatjana Rakar. 2009. »The Role of the Third Sec-
tor in the Slovenian Welfare System.« Teorija in praksa 46 (3): 237–254.
Črnak-Meglič, Andreja, in Maja Vojnovič. 1997. »Vloga in pomen neprofitno-
volonterskega sektorja v Sloveniji.« Družboslovne razprave 13 (24–25):
Dacombe, Rod. 2011. »Can We Argue against It? Performance Management
and State Funding of Voluntary Organizations in the uk.« Public Mo-
ney & Management 31 (3): 159–166.
Dahrendorf, Ralf. 1989. »Die gefährdete Civil Society.« V Europa und die Ci-
vil Society, ur. K Krzysztof Michalski, 247–264. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta.
Davis, James H., David F. Schooman in Lex Donaldson. 1997. »Toward a Ste-
wardship Theory of Management.« The Academy of Management Re-
view 22 (1): 20–47.
De Andre’s-Alonso, Pablo, Valentín Azofra-Palenzuela in M. Elena Romero-
Merino. 2009. »Determinants of Nonprofit Board Size and Composi-
tion: The Case of Spanish Foundations.« Nonprofit and Voluntary Sec-
tor Quarterly 38 (5): 784–809.
De Cooman, Rein, Sara De Gieter, Roland Pepermans in Marc Jegers. 2011.
»A Cross-Sector Comparison of Motivation-Related Concepts in For-
Profit and Not-For-Profit Service Organizations.« Nonprofit and Vo-
luntary Sector Quarterly 40 (2): 296–317.
DiMaggio, Paul J., in Helmut K. Anheier. 1990. »The Sociology of Nonprofit
Organizations and Sectors.« Annual Review of Sociology 16:137–159.
Dixon, J. Robb, Alfred J. Nanni, in Thomas E. Vollmann. 1990. The New Per-
formance Challenge: Measuring Operations for World-Class Competition.
Homewood, il: Irwin.
Drucker, Peter F. 2010. Managing the Non-Profit Organization: Principles and
Practices. New York, n y: HarperCollins.
———. 2015. »n vo sektor: dejstva in številke.«
Costa, Ericka, Tommaso Ramus in Michele Andreaus. 2011. »Accountabi-
lity As a Managerial Tool in Non-Profit Organizations: Evidence from
Italian csvs.« Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonpro-
fit Organizations 22 (3): 470–493.
Cutt, James. 1982. »Accountability, Efficiency, and the ‘Bottom Line’ in
Nonprofit Organizations.« Canadian Public Administration 25 (3): 311–
Črnak-Meglič, Andreja, in Tatjana Rakar. 2009. »The Role of the Third Sec-
tor in the Slovenian Welfare System.« Teorija in praksa 46 (3): 237–254.
Črnak-Meglič, Andreja, in Maja Vojnovič. 1997. »Vloga in pomen neprofitno-
volonterskega sektorja v Sloveniji.« Družboslovne razprave 13 (24–25):
Dacombe, Rod. 2011. »Can We Argue against It? Performance Management
and State Funding of Voluntary Organizations in the uk.« Public Mo-
ney & Management 31 (3): 159–166.
Dahrendorf, Ralf. 1989. »Die gefährdete Civil Society.« V Europa und die Ci-
vil Society, ur. K Krzysztof Michalski, 247–264. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta.
Davis, James H., David F. Schooman in Lex Donaldson. 1997. »Toward a Ste-
wardship Theory of Management.« The Academy of Management Re-
view 22 (1): 20–47.
De Andre’s-Alonso, Pablo, Valentín Azofra-Palenzuela in M. Elena Romero-
Merino. 2009. »Determinants of Nonprofit Board Size and Composi-
tion: The Case of Spanish Foundations.« Nonprofit and Voluntary Sec-
tor Quarterly 38 (5): 784–809.
De Cooman, Rein, Sara De Gieter, Roland Pepermans in Marc Jegers. 2011.
»A Cross-Sector Comparison of Motivation-Related Concepts in For-
Profit and Not-For-Profit Service Organizations.« Nonprofit and Vo-
luntary Sector Quarterly 40 (2): 296–317.
DiMaggio, Paul J., in Helmut K. Anheier. 1990. »The Sociology of Nonprofit
Organizations and Sectors.« Annual Review of Sociology 16:137–159.
Dixon, J. Robb, Alfred J. Nanni, in Thomas E. Vollmann. 1990. The New Per-
formance Challenge: Measuring Operations for World-Class Competition.
Homewood, il: Irwin.
Drucker, Peter F. 2010. Managing the Non-Profit Organization: Principles and
Practices. New York, n y: HarperCollins.