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Abzug, Rikki, in Natalie J. Webb. 1999. »Relationships between Nonprofit
and For-Profit Organizations: A Stakeholder Perspective.« Nonprofit
and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 28 (4): 416–431.
Adam, Frane, Dolores Modic, Dane Podmenik in Ivana Čančar. 2013. Štu-
dija o tretjem sektorju v Sloveniji za potrebe projekta e n r i. Koper: Sre-
dišče Rotunda.
Adam, Frane, Uroš Gojkovič, Ana Hafner, Angelca Ivančič, Toni Pustovrh
in Jožica Zajc. 2014. Visokotehnološka podjetja – vpliv organizacijske kul-
ture in socialnih omrežij na prenos znanja. Ljubljana: Inštitut za razvojne
in strateške analize.
Anheier, Helmut K. 2014. Nonprofit Organizations: Theory, Management and
Policy. New York in London: Routledge.
Andragoški center Slovenije. 2014. Resolucija o Nacionalnem programu izo-
braževanja odraslih v Republiki Sloveniji za obdobje 2013–2020. Ljub-
ljana: Andragoški center Slovenije.
Atkinson, Anthony A., John H. Waterhouse in Robert B. Wells. 1997. »A
Stakeholder Approach to Strategic Performance Measurement.« Sloan
Management Review 38 (3): 25–37.
Baal, Jan van. 1964. »Education in Non-Western Countries.« International
Review of Education 10 (1): 1–11.
Bagnoli, Luca, in Cecilia Megali. 2011. »Measuring Performance in Social
Enterprises.« Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 40 (1): 149–165.
Balser, Deborah, in John McClusky. 2005. »Managing Stakeholder Relati-
onships and Nonprofit Organization Effectiveness.« Nonprofit Mana-
gement & Leadership 15 (3): 295–315.
Barman, Emily. 2007. »What Is the Bottom Line for Nonprofit Organizati-
ons? A History of Measurement in the British Voluntary Sector.« Vo-
luntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organization 18
(2): 101–115.
Baruch, Yehuda, in Nelson Ramalho. 2006. »Communalities and Distincti-