Page 32 - Lazar, Irena, 2016. AS – Arheologija za vse: Oživljanje arheološkega parka Simonov zaliv | AS – Project Archaeology for All: Revival of the the Archaeological park Simonov zaliv. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem | University of Primorska Press
P. 32
d. Najem prostora za prireditve Slovenia or abroad are involved during
the course of their study process, either
Prijazno okolje obmorske vile in Arheolo- in form of workshops or summer schools.
škega parka Simonov zaliv dopolnjujejo Students of the Faculty of Humanities of
zelene površine ter sredozemsko rastje the University of Primorska draft their
in rastlinje; slednje predstavlja samo tiste seminar and finishing papers on the sub-
rastline in drevesa, ki so pri nas uspevali ject of the archaeological heritage of Izola
že v rimski dobi in so jih Rimljani s pridom and Simonov zaliv, they engage in public
uporabljali v vsakdanjem življenju. Zato je events (e.g. literary nights, international
park pravo okolje za izvajanje dogodkov museum days, museum summer nights,
in prireditev za manjše zaključene skupi- open-for-public events) or participate as
ne. Vrata po naročilu odpiramo in nudimo tour guides around the park and work-
navdušencem za jogo, skupinam za team shops organisers. They also participate
building, za ure pravljic, posebne učne ure under surveillance of their mentors and
za šole, za predstavitve publikacij, narav- teaching assistants in the archaeological
nih izdelkov in podobno. research and conservation interventions
in the park, thus complementing their
undergraduate and post-graduate study
course with practical experience.

d. Leasing the area for events

The inviting surroundings of the maritime
villa and the Simonov zaliv archaeological
park features lots of green surfaces, full
of lush Mediterranean vegetation – that
is, only the trees and plants, which grew
in the area in the Roman period and were
used by the Romans. This is why the park
is an ideal setting for smaller events; it
is open to yoga enthusiasts, team build-
ing groups, storytelling sessions, special
school classes, publication presentations,
presentations of natural products etc.

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