Page 103 - Panjek, Aleksander, Jesper Larsson and Luca Mocarelli, eds. 2017. Integrated Peasant Economy in a Comparative Perspective: Alps, Scandinavia and Beyond. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 103
egr ated peasant economy in friuli (16th–18th centuries)





Gorizia Mountain


ADRIATIC SEA Trieste Plain
! 0 25 50 km

Koper Map author: Nataša Kolega
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Map 4.2: Mountain and plain in Venetian Friuli

2. Macro and micro level: the village and the family

In this part of the paper we seek to understand the extent to which it is
possible to talk of an integrated peasant economy. In our opinion there
are at least two levels worth discussing: the first at the level of the territori-
al community, which is the village: the second at a domestic level, which is
the family.

The socio-economic situation of Friuli did not differ only among wider
areas defined by their environmental characteristics, on the contrary each
village community was qualified by specific features: the different way to
interact with giusdicenti; the possession of collective resources and so forth.
We cannot take into account the entire variety of features distinguishing
villages from an economic, social and demographic point of view, however
we can identify some models which include some peculiar characteristics.
We can thus identify four types of villages, two on the plain and two in the
mountains which can be briefly described as in Diagram 4.3.

The models are based on some characteristics which can actually be
traced to different contexts. When it comes to villages on the plain we
thought of using as a first example a village of ‘Conservative landlord mod-
el.’ This is the model which largely prevails in Friuli (Bianco 1994, 51–100;

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