Page 414 - Panjek, Aleksander, Jesper Larsson and Luca Mocarelli, eds. 2017. Integrated Peasant Economy in a Comparative Perspective: Alps, Scandinavia and Beyond. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 414
integr ated peasant economy in a compar ative perspective
Do all the Scandinavian examples referred to above fit the concept in-
tegrated peasant economy? Surely not all of them, but impressively many.
In some cases, farming proper weighed heavy in the mix, in others farm-
ing was combined with only one principal activity (for example forestry
work). IPE should be interpreted as active rational choices, whether made
from a poverty position were pluriactivity proved a necessity for survival,
or, from a position shared by many pre-industrial and some modern farm
families with ample land resources with several options. Still, the drive to
utilise household resources optimally by engaging in various types of ac-
tivities fitting in the societal context of the time and space seem to be the
same. It is a perennial.
Archival sources
Nordiska museet, Stockholm, SBD 67 (Medåkersdagboken).
Nordiska museet, Stockholm, SBD 70 (Kiladagboken).
Åmark, K. 1915. Spannmålshandel och spannmålspolitik i Sverige 1719–1830.
Ahlberger, C. 1996. Konsumtionsrevolutionen 1. Göteborg: Historiska instu-
tionen, Göteborgs universitet.
Almås, R. 2002. Norges landbrukshistorie IV 1920–2000: Från bondesamfunn
til bioindustri. Oslo: Samlaget.
Backåkers Johansson, E. 1987. Backåkers Eriks dagbok, 1–5. Edited by by J.
Svenske. Uppsala: Uppsala Gustaf Adolfsakademien.
Braverman, H. 1974. Labor and monopoly capital: the degradation of work in
the twentieth century. New York: Monthly Review Press.
Bredefeldt, R. 1994. Tidigmoderna företagarstrategier: Järnbrukens ägar- och fi-
nansieringsförhållanden under 1600-talet. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wik-
sell International.
De Vries, J. 2008. The industrious revolution: Consumer behaviour and the
household economy, 1650 to the present. Cambridge: Cambridge Univer-
sity Press.
Ericsson, B. 1970. Bergsstaden Falun 1720–1769. Uppsala: Stockholm University.
Gadd, C.-J. 1991. Självhushåll eller arbetsdelning? Svenskt lant- och stadshant-
verk ca 1400–1860. Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet.
Do all the Scandinavian examples referred to above fit the concept in-
tegrated peasant economy? Surely not all of them, but impressively many.
In some cases, farming proper weighed heavy in the mix, in others farm-
ing was combined with only one principal activity (for example forestry
work). IPE should be interpreted as active rational choices, whether made
from a poverty position were pluriactivity proved a necessity for survival,
or, from a position shared by many pre-industrial and some modern farm
families with ample land resources with several options. Still, the drive to
utilise household resources optimally by engaging in various types of ac-
tivities fitting in the societal context of the time and space seem to be the
same. It is a perennial.
Archival sources
Nordiska museet, Stockholm, SBD 67 (Medåkersdagboken).
Nordiska museet, Stockholm, SBD 70 (Kiladagboken).
Åmark, K. 1915. Spannmålshandel och spannmålspolitik i Sverige 1719–1830.
Ahlberger, C. 1996. Konsumtionsrevolutionen 1. Göteborg: Historiska instu-
tionen, Göteborgs universitet.
Almås, R. 2002. Norges landbrukshistorie IV 1920–2000: Från bondesamfunn
til bioindustri. Oslo: Samlaget.
Backåkers Johansson, E. 1987. Backåkers Eriks dagbok, 1–5. Edited by by J.
Svenske. Uppsala: Uppsala Gustaf Adolfsakademien.
Braverman, H. 1974. Labor and monopoly capital: the degradation of work in
the twentieth century. New York: Monthly Review Press.
Bredefeldt, R. 1994. Tidigmoderna företagarstrategier: Järnbrukens ägar- och fi-
nansieringsförhållanden under 1600-talet. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wik-
sell International.
De Vries, J. 2008. The industrious revolution: Consumer behaviour and the
household economy, 1650 to the present. Cambridge: Cambridge Univer-
sity Press.
Ericsson, B. 1970. Bergsstaden Falun 1720–1769. Uppsala: Stockholm University.
Gadd, C.-J. 1991. Självhushåll eller arbetsdelning? Svenskt lant- och stadshant-
verk ca 1400–1860. Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet.