Page 20 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 20
avje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 18 Zdravje slovenskih delavcev
Health of Slovenian workers

Metoda Dodič Fikfak
University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Clinical Institute of Occupational, Traffic,
and Sports Medicine, Poljanski nasip 58, Ljubljana

Izhodišča: Zdravje delavcev opisujemo z odstotkom bolniške odsotnosti (BO)
in indeksi: frekvence, onesposabljanja in resnosti ter poškodbami pri delu,
poklicnimi boleznimi, delovno invalidnostjo, oceno tveganja, rezultati preven-
tivnih pregledov in prezentizmom. Metode: Uporabili smo podatke iz zbirke
podatkov o bolniškem staležu in rezultate študij o prezentizmu, prestruktu-
riranju in zdravju delavcev ter trpinčenju na delovnem mestu. Rezultati: Odsto-
tek BO je najvišji v javni upravi, vojski in rudarstvu. Najvišji je zaradi bolezni mi-
šičnoskeletnega sistema, sledijo poškodbe zunaj dela, bolezni dihal in duševne
motnje. Odstotek BO v javnem sektorju je višji od % BO v zasebnem sektorju.
Pri kroničnih boleznih je % BO višji pri delavcih, ki delajo v zasebnem sektorju.
Po resnosti vseskozi izstopa depresija. Resnost te se je med in po krizi pove-
čala za dvakrat. Raste število primerov BO zaradi reakcije na hud stres in izgo-
relosti. Zaostrene razmere na delovnem mestu povzročajo večji prezentizem.
Med prestrukturiranjem višji odstotek delavcev poroča o slabem zdravju, povi-
šanem krvnem tlaku in depresiji. Diskusija: Edini učinkoviti način ohranjanja de-
lovne sile, ki jo bo z leti primanjkovalo, je prilagajanje delovnih mest, sistema-
tično vzgajanje delavcev k razvoju in ohranjanju gibalno športnih aktivnosti in
sprememba percepcije dela.
Ključne besede: zdravje delavcev, bolniška odsotnost, prestrukturiranje
Introduction: Workers’ health is described by the percentage of sick leave (SL),
frequency index, index of temporary disability, severity of the disease, inju-
ries at work, occupational diseases, work disability, risk assessment, results of
preventive check-ups and presenteeism. Methods: Data from the national sick-
leave data collection and results from the studies of presenteeism, the influence
of restructuring on workers’ health and mobbing in the workplace were used.
Results: The percentage of SL was the highest in public administration, defence
and mining. The highest is due to the musculoskeletal disorders, injuries out-
side work, respiratory diseases and mental disorders. The percentage of SL is
significantly higher in the public sector than in the private sector. In chronic dis-
eases the percentage of SL is higher in workers in the private sector. As for the
severity, depression during and after crisis increased twofold. The number of
cases due to the reaction to severe stress and burn-out has increased. Harsh
working conditions result in greater presenteeism. The percentage of those
who report ill-health, have high blood pressure and are depressed is signifi-
cantly higher during restructuring. Discussion: The only effective way of keeping
the workforce, which will be lacking in the years to come, is the adaptation of
workplaces, systematic education of workers in terms of developing and main-
taining sports activities and the need to change the perception of work.
Key words: workers’ health, sick leave, restructuring
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