Page 23 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 23
roduction: Physical inactivity and increasing daily screen time is an emerging 4. znanstvena in strokovna konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo 21
health problem within the working population as well in the general population
world wide. This is called the exercise deficiency syndrom (EDS). On the other
hand a large nurmber of single studies as well of metaanalyses strongly support
the positive health effects of regular physical activity. Discussion: Regular phys-
ical activity (PA) is now widely accepted as one of the most important factors
to maintain or improve health and to prevent numerous non-communicable
diseases. PA reduces risks of all-cause- and cardiovascular morbidity, mortal-
ity. Therefore, PA is a cornerstone in prevention and therapy of many diseas-
es thus improving quality of life and longevity. PA also counteracts the effects
of sitting time and sedentary lifestyle (EDS). PA acts like a drug: there are many
indications, a non-linear dose-response curve, many somatic and psychosmatic
effects, few side effects and contraindications. Similar results can be observed
for physical fitness assessed by maximal watt or Vo2 max in exercise testing.
PA therefore is the real polypill for prevention and therapy of many diseases.
Conclusion: There is now a general agreement and convincing evidence that re-
gular PA including daily life activities are essentials for maintaining health in the
working age population. For staying health and preserving health, everybody
should reduce or avoid the four main risk factors: no smoking, regular PA, he-
althy diet and normal body weight.
Key words: quality of life, risk, prevention, physical activity, fitness
Skrb za delovno okolje, skrb za zdravje in dobro počutje
zaposlenih v zdravstvu
Caring for the work environment, caring for the health
and wellbeing of the health workforce
Anne Marie Rafferty
King’s College London (UK)
Delo prinaša koristi, a obenem tudi tveganja. Ta prispevek izpostavlja dokaze
o pomembnosti vpliva delovnega okolja na dobro počutje zaposlenih kot tudi
njegovo vlogo v zagotavljanju pozitivnih izidov za paciente in medicinske sestre.
Predstavlja dokaze skozi ključne elemente okolja, kot je na primer vprašanje
kadrovske zasedbe in vpliva le-te na izide povezane z medicinsko sestro, pa-
cientom in organizacijo. Raziskuje možne intervencije, ki jih je mogoče imple-
mentirati z namenom izboljšanja dobrega počutja zaposlenih in kakovosti dela
ter delovnega okolja. Nenazadnje, identificira mehanizme in vzvode politike, ki
se lahko uporabijo za izboljšanje kakovosti delovnega okolja ter s tem povezane
politične, praktične in sistemske prednosti.
Ključne besede: delovno okolje; kadrovska zasedba; kakovost dela; politika
Work brings benefits as well as hazards. This paper considers the evidence
on the importance of the work environment for staff well-being as well as its
role in mediating better outcomes for patients and nurses. It reviews the evi-
dence on key elements of the environment,-such as staffing and the impact of
variations in staffing on nurse, patient and organisational outcomes. It explores
the interventions that can be implemented to improve staff well-being and the
health problem within the working population as well in the general population
world wide. This is called the exercise deficiency syndrom (EDS). On the other
hand a large nurmber of single studies as well of metaanalyses strongly support
the positive health effects of regular physical activity. Discussion: Regular phys-
ical activity (PA) is now widely accepted as one of the most important factors
to maintain or improve health and to prevent numerous non-communicable
diseases. PA reduces risks of all-cause- and cardiovascular morbidity, mortal-
ity. Therefore, PA is a cornerstone in prevention and therapy of many diseas-
es thus improving quality of life and longevity. PA also counteracts the effects
of sitting time and sedentary lifestyle (EDS). PA acts like a drug: there are many
indications, a non-linear dose-response curve, many somatic and psychosmatic
effects, few side effects and contraindications. Similar results can be observed
for physical fitness assessed by maximal watt or Vo2 max in exercise testing.
PA therefore is the real polypill for prevention and therapy of many diseases.
Conclusion: There is now a general agreement and convincing evidence that re-
gular PA including daily life activities are essentials for maintaining health in the
working age population. For staying health and preserving health, everybody
should reduce or avoid the four main risk factors: no smoking, regular PA, he-
althy diet and normal body weight.
Key words: quality of life, risk, prevention, physical activity, fitness
Skrb za delovno okolje, skrb za zdravje in dobro počutje
zaposlenih v zdravstvu
Caring for the work environment, caring for the health
and wellbeing of the health workforce
Anne Marie Rafferty
King’s College London (UK)
Delo prinaša koristi, a obenem tudi tveganja. Ta prispevek izpostavlja dokaze
o pomembnosti vpliva delovnega okolja na dobro počutje zaposlenih kot tudi
njegovo vlogo v zagotavljanju pozitivnih izidov za paciente in medicinske sestre.
Predstavlja dokaze skozi ključne elemente okolja, kot je na primer vprašanje
kadrovske zasedbe in vpliva le-te na izide povezane z medicinsko sestro, pa-
cientom in organizacijo. Raziskuje možne intervencije, ki jih je mogoče imple-
mentirati z namenom izboljšanja dobrega počutja zaposlenih in kakovosti dela
ter delovnega okolja. Nenazadnje, identificira mehanizme in vzvode politike, ki
se lahko uporabijo za izboljšanje kakovosti delovnega okolja ter s tem povezane
politične, praktične in sistemske prednosti.
Ključne besede: delovno okolje; kadrovska zasedba; kakovost dela; politika
Work brings benefits as well as hazards. This paper considers the evidence
on the importance of the work environment for staff well-being as well as its
role in mediating better outcomes for patients and nurses. It reviews the evi-
dence on key elements of the environment,-such as staffing and the impact of
variations in staffing on nurse, patient and organisational outcomes. It explores
the interventions that can be implemented to improve staff well-being and the