Page 218 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 218
avje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 216 It is of great importance that the woman and her needs would truly be
put first in the postnatal care. One of the participants of the survey wrote that
she “would wish that they would think about the particularities” and gave us a
great starting point for further research. Namely, the parents should be able to
talk to the midwife or a nurse after receiving the sad news, who would explain
the course of the labor, important information and encourage the parents to
see and hold the baby and even name it, inform them of the grieving process,
the nature and process of the bureaucracy and also offer them the time they
need to think about their own needs in connection to their dead child, no mat-
ter how hard it is for them. When the parents would be given all the informa-
tion right after they had received the sad news about the death of their child or
already when they are accepted into the hospital for the arranged induced la-
bor, they would cope better after seeing their child and also with their expec-
tations and the reality of the loss. The positive effects of such a talk would lat-
er be observed during their grieving process and would also affect their quality
of life in the process. We should also be aware of the fact that the grieving pro-
cess of the parents cannot be alleviated and parents also do not want that from
us. Our caring and sensibility that come before realization can help us to un-
derstand the pain of others, to listen to them and offer them our help (Globev-
nik Velikonja, 2000) that is in such times very much needed.

Later in the grieving process we should also encourage grieving women
and other family members to search for additional psychological and therapeu-
tical help in order to cope more efficiently with their feelings. It would also be
very wise to integrate women in complementary methods of coping with their
grief and other emotions. One of such efficient methods is the EFT (Emotional
Freedom Technique), a technique to achieve emotional freedom (Craig, 2007).
The EFT is a tool that helps to ease negative emotions and offers many ways to
solve emotional problems (Craig, 2007; Fone, 2012).

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opno na
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ences in relation to stillbirth and risk factors for long-term post-traumat-
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