Page 215 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 215
Further on, we wanted to find out if the age of the mother at the time of
the loss also has an impact on experiencing grief. Participants were divided in-
to two groups: on women that were under 30 years old at the time of the loss
and on those that were 30 years old or older.

Table 3: Comparisson considering the chronological age of mothers in the
time of child loss.

Chronological age (in years) N M SD t-test
t df p
Less than 30 (< 30) 60
More or equal to 30 (≥ 30) 48 3.46 0.63 2.297 106 0.024
3.73 0.59

We found out that there are statistically important differences consider- women‘s quality of life during the grief process after perinatal death 213
ing the chronological age of mothers in the time of the child loss (Table 3).

Further on, we found out that there are no significant differences in expe-
riencing grief, other painful feelings, memories or the need to talk about their
loss, to cry and miss the child etc. in regard to seeing the child or not seeing it
after the miscarriage/labor.

Whether the medical workers were understanding and sympathetic to
the mothers during the time they were in the hospital, 58% of the mothers said
yes and 42% said no. Out of 108 participants, 68% felt that in their home envi-
ronment the health professionals (personal doctors, at the gynecologist 3 weeks
after the miscarriage or 6 weeks after the labor and by home care nurses) were
understanding and sympathetic towards them, while 32% of the participants
said they did not receive adequate treatment by health professionals.

One of the questions of the questionnaire was regarding the loss of the
child and the consequential impact it had on the relationship with their part-
ner, which also strongly affects the quality of life during the grieving process.
As much as 63% of the participants agreed that their relationship with the part-
ner improved, 16% claimed it stayed the same and 21% of women said their re-
lationship worsened.

Grieving is the process of slowly letting go of the emotional attachment to-
wards the child. Still, the woman that lost her child is experiencing strong feel-
ings and confusion. Such emotions are present no matter how early the preg-
nancy terminated, even if it only lasted a few weeks. Some women do not
experience grief right after a miscarriage; however, that does not mean there is
something wrong with them or that they are uncaring because every individu-
al reacts differently and the grief and disappointment can also appear at a lat-
er time (Zečević et al., 2003).

We found out that there are significant differences in experiencing grief
due to various factors, namely after the loss of the child, it also depends on how
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