Page 214 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 214
The whole questionnaire consisted of: open-ended questions (15 ques-
tions), partially openended questions (1 question) and closed-ended questions
(31 questions) and the Munich Grief Scale consisting of 22 closed-ended ques-

Processing and Analysis of Data
The survey was conducted via web portal 1KA, that was available from the 8th of
January 2016 until the 8th of March 2016. The participants agreed to participate
in the survey and were explained the purpose and the objectives of the research
prior to answering the questions. Data was analyzed with Microsoft Excel and
SPSS ver. 20.0. The level of statistical significance was set at 0.05.

zdravje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 212 Results
We were interested, whether the time of a miscarriage or stillbirth has any im-
pact on the level of grief due to the loss of the child. The participants were di-
vided into two groups: women that lost their child before the 22nd week of preg-
nancy and women that lost their child in the 22nd week or later.

Table 1: Difference among women and their experiencing of grief regarding
gestational age of child.

Gestational age of the dead N M SD t-test
infant (in weeks) t df p
Less than 22 (< 22) 43 3.70 0.54 2.484 106 0.015
More or equal to 22 (≥ 22) 3.40 0.70

We found out that regarding the gestational age (less and equal or more
than 22 weeks) there are statistically important differences among women and
their experiencing of grief (Table 1).

We also wanted to know if experiencing grief might also depend on how
much time has passed since the loss. Participants were further divided into two
groups: women that lost their child relatively recently (i.e. less than 24 months
ago) and women that experienced the loss more than 24 months ago.

Table 2: Comparisson considering time passed since the loss of the child.

Time passed from the loss of N M SD t-test
the child (in months) t df p
Less than 24 (< 24) 64 3.80 0.54 -3.919 106 0.002
More or equal to 24 (≥ 24) 3.43 0.64

Results (Table 2) showed that how much time had passed from the crit-
ical event is a very important factor and has an impact on experiencing grief.
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