Page 233 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 233
Tabel 2: The arithmetic means and standard deviation of the domains of
the SF-36 questionnaire according to the presence of burnout syndrome.

Domains of the SF- MBI Mean (SD)
36 questionnaire
Physical func-
tioning With burnout syndrome Without burnout syndrome
Limitations due to
physical health 87,75 (13,71) 83,51 (18,23) 0,871 0,389
Limitations due to
emotional prob- 78,75 (34,67) 91,66 (16,98) -1,535 0,137
66,60 (41,92) 100,00 (0,001) -3,563 0,002
60,75 (12,59) 65,18 (9,75) -1,361 0,180

Mental health 50,65 (9,46) 47,70 (5,53) 1,340 0,187 presence of professional stress in teaching staff at the medical faculty in foca 231

Social functioning 78,65 (12,21) 87,03 (13,19) -2,019 0,050

Physical pains 42,25 (9,52) 46,14 (8,16) -1,507 0,139

General health 68,25 (14,44) 69,07 (16,67) -0,192 0,849

MCS 64,04 (12,65) 74,05 (5,63) -3,660 0,003

PCS 69,11 (12,52) 73,46 (8,47) -1,420 0,162

Pearson correlation coefficient show that there is a statistically highly
significant positive correlation (r = 0.391; p = 0.007) between the profession-
al burnout syndrome and age, where older persons are more exposed to a pro-
fessional burnout syndrome. The elderly are also significantly more exposed to
depersonalization (r = -0.321; p = 0.028), while younger people are in positive
correlation with personal achievement and satisfaction (r = -0.454; p = 0.001).
Younger people have a higher quality of mental and physical health, but this
positive correlation is not statistically significant. Statistically significant posi-
tive correlation was observed regarding the relation of years of service and MBI
score (r = 0.377; p = 0.009), where the subjects with higher values of years of
service, have a higher value of MBI. High significant negative correlation was
observed between the years of service and personal satisfaction (r = -0.395; p =
0.006), while those with lower the years of service have higher levels of personal
satisfaction. In terms of shift work there were not found statistically significant
correlation compared to other socio-demographic characteristics, professional
burnout or quality of life. There is a strong negative high statistical correlation
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