Page 230 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 230
avje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 228 sponsibility, disturbed interpersonal relationships, type of work, tasks that are
performed in shifts and those jobs that require extended working hours. The
frequency of impacts of negative stress on health and physical disorders goes
from 50-70% of the total number of pathogens. There is virtually no area of hu-
man activity that is not related to stress and stressful situations. A number of
medical experts (Nyssen, et al., 2003) stated that stress plays a major role in the
causation of various degenerative diseases such as high blood pressure, heart
disease, metabolic disorder and decline in immune capacity of the body. It is
very important to develop strategies to control stress, which help to cope with
stressful situations and to recognize the situation that the individual cannot
influence on (Jackson, 1999).The objective of the research was to examine the
level of professional stress of the teaching staff at the Medical Faculty in Foca.

The study was designed as a cross-sectional study with 47 respondents, of
which 14.9% men and 85.1% women, aged 43.14 ± 9.46 years. The survey includ-
ed the teaching staff from the Medical Faculty in Foca during the period from
February to June 2016. The criteria for inclusion in the study were: respondents
who work and are directly involved in the care and treatment of patients. Crite-
ria for exclusion from the study were: respondents who are not involved in the
care and treatment of patients and subjects who did not respond to five or more
questions or have marked the same answers to all the questions. The study in-
cluded the following instruments: sociodemographic questionnaire, the ques-
tionnaire for the assessment of the state of health (Short Form 36 Health Sur-
vey-SF-36) (Ware, 1993) and Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) (Maslach et al.,
1996). The sociodemographic questionnaire was created for the purpose of this
research and contains 10 questions related to the characteristics of the respond-
ents (gender, age, marital status, place of residence, family income, degree of
education of respondents).

Maslach Burnout Inventory - The MBI has three structural units and
measures the following dimensions: a feeling of emotional exhaustion and
overwork, depersonalization, or a sense of discomfort caused by effort and a
sense of competence and job satisfaction. The test consists of 22 claims that
are scored in seven categories from 0 to 6 (0 - never, 1 - several times a year or
less, 2 - once a month or less, 3 - several times a month, 4 - once a week, 5 - sev-
eral times a week, 6 - every day).The Subscale of Emotional Exhaustion (EE)
consists of 9 items, the Subscale of Depersonalization (DP) consists of 5, and
8 items make the subscale of personal fulfilment with job (PA). If the value on
test 51 for EE is greater than 26, there is a high risk of burnout syndrome, and /
or if the value for the DP test is higher than 9, there is also a high risk of burn-
out syndrome. A value of less or equal to 18 on the subscale EE represent a small
burnout risk, and a value from 19 to 26 is a medium burnout risk. As for the PA
subscale, the low burnout risk is greater or equal than 40, the mid risk is from
39 to 34, and the high burnout risk is less or equal to 33, but the general conclu-
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