Page 234 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 234
avje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 232 between the professional burnout and mental quality of life of components (r
= -0.479; p <0.001), while subjects with diagnosed higher level of professional
burnout have a significantly lower quality of mental health.

The largest number of respondents (83%) is exposed to stress at work in our re-
search and professional burnout syndrome was observed in 42.6% of work-
ers. In more than half of the respondents is registered a high level of com-
mon mental components of health, and social functioning is also significantly
higher in patients without the presence of the syndrome while differenc-
es from the domain of physical functioning, vitality, mental health, gener-
al health, body pains and limitations due to physical health were not found.
According to the World Health Organization (1996), every person has the right
to a safe workplace and a healthy environment that allow for a normal social
and productive life. Therefore, the external and internal factors have a signifi-
cant role in explaining the quality of life which has been confirmed by numer-
ous studies. Quality of life is a psychological construct, which does not arise
automatically from satisfying basic needs, but from the whole psychological
structure of the individual interacting with the physical and social environ-
ment in which he lives (Taillefer, 2003). Felce and Perry (1995) define quality of
life as an overall general well-being, which includes objective factors and sub-
jective evaluation of physical, material, social and emotional well-being, in-
cluding personal development and meaningful activity (Felce and Perry, 1995).
According to members of the International Well Being Group’s quality of life is
multidimensional term, which is made of: standard of living, health, produc-
tivity, the possibility of achieving close contact, security, belonging to the com-
munity and a sense of security in the future (World Health Organisation, 1996).
Many studies have shown that the psychological state of anxiety and depres-
sion in particular, appear as mediators of health outcomes and subjective qual-
ity of life in situations of illness (Costa and McCrae, 1980).

In similar studies results of our study were significantly better than the
results of a study conducted in Chile (Andrades and Valenyuela, 2007), but low-
er compared to the results of a study conducted in Turkey (Cinnamon, 2003).
By analysing the questionnaire, SF-36 the presence of burnout syndrome is
found among the respondents, particularly with regard to domain limitations
due to emotional problems, social functioning and physical functioning. As for
the common components of physical and mental health, the difference com-
pared to the PCS was not observed, while the difference between the groups of
patients for the presence of syndrome professional burnout highly statistical-
ly significant, and mental health of the respondents is at a significantly high-
er level in the group without the presence of the syndrome. Experiencing pos-
itive emotions at work is considered an important part of nursing professional
life, and has a significant impact on patient safety, quality of service, commit-
ment and stay in the organization and the profession. Numerous studies point
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