Page 26 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 26
avje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 24 Regular physical activity is one of the most important factors to lead of a
healthy way of life. This also the case with the prenatal period, pregnan-
cy time and the postpartum period. Moderate physical exercise is ex-
pected to be a part of everyday life of the future mother as long as there are
no health or other complications associated with pregnancy. Physically fit and
psychologically well prepared women bear their pregnancy better and are bet-
ter prepared for the birth and also recover after it. A healthy lifestyle for preg-
nant women – including suitable sport activity as well as a healthy diet – have
a positive impact on the growth and development of the fetus, are beneficial to
the body and health, and also contribute to an easier childbirth and to get in
shape faster after giving birth (Mlakar et al., 2011).

A lot of women want to change their physical activity the moment they
find out they are pregnant. That is why it is important they get proper ad-
vice about doing physical activity during pregnancy. Some of them, especial-
ly in the first and last quarter of pregnancy do not have enough will and re-
al energy for exercise while others are excessively concerned for the well-being
and health of the fetus. A number of studies have shown that physical activi-
ty has beneficial effect on the mental stability of pregnant women, reduces low-
er back and other joints’ pain, improves sleep, helps to maintain appropriate
body weight, increases endurance and strength in labor (Larsson and Lind-
qvist, 2005), improves the cardio-vascular and respiratory system function, re-
duces the possibility of developing of pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes and
high blood pressure and it also helps to an easier childbirth and reduces the
number of peripartal complications (Wadsworth, 2007; Lučovnik et al., 2013;
Cid and Gonzalez, 2016). Pregnant women who are physically active have less
pregnancy problems, less frequent pain in the pelvic ring and urinary inconti-
nence (Videmšek et al., 2015).

We used a qualitative research paradigm. The test sample included eleven
women who gave birth in the last year. Their average age was 27.6 years. The
youngest was 22 years old and the oldest was 35. Five of the participants had
secondary education, two of them higher education, and four had a universi-
ty degree. Most of them, i.e. seven participants, lived in rural areas, while four
lived in the city. For one participant, it was her third childbirth, for two partici-
pants it was the second, and for eight it was their first. Regarding the gestation-
al age, ten pregnancies were full-term and one was premature. In the partici-
pants who had a vaginal birth, the birth giving lasted 1 to 13 hours. On average,
the childbirth lasted 7.3 hours in women giving birth for the first time, 4.5 hours
in women giving birth for the second time, and only 1 hour in a woman giving
birth for the third time.

The method of data collection was a semi-structured interview. We invit-
ed the potential participants to take part in the research in writing, with the ex-
planation of the purposes and objectives of the research as well as its methods.
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