Page 27 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 27
used contacts in our own social network, and with the technique of snow-
ball sampling, we reached women who voluntarily accepted the invitation. Ac-
cording to their wishes and availability, we agreed on the date, place and time
of the interview. The interviews were held in January and February 2017. We
took into account the ethical aspects of the research, so all interviewees had to
sign the informed consent form before the start of the interview in case they
decided to participate. An introductory inquiry on sociodemographic data was
followed by an interview which was sound recorded. The average interview
lasted 30 minutes. The data obtained through the interview were analysed by
content analysis of the text.

Results perception of physical activity during pregnancy 25
After the initial coding phase of the text in which twenty-two categories were
identified, they were combined into three central themes with individual sub-
themes that define physical activity during pregnancy. The themes were hier-
archically distributed (Table 1), which means that the first topic was support-
ed by most statements. And at least the statements of the women participating
were the last topic.

Table 1: Themes in qualitative analysis.

Theme Subtopics Number of references
The influence of the course of pregnan- 26
cy on the physical activity during preg-

The factors that affect the implemen- Types and opportunities for physical 95
tation, opportunities, motivation and activity before and during pregnancy 24
awareness about the importance of 76
physical activity during pregnancy Accessing information, encouragement
and motivation for physical activity
during pregnancy
Awareness of the impact of physical ac-
tivity on psychological and physical

The characteristics of performing phys- Physical activity in the postpartum pe- 35
ical activity in the postpartum period riod

The implementation of pelvic floor The gap between the awareness of the 24
muscle exercise during pregnancy and impact of pelvic floor muscle training
after childbirth. and its realization

Results of the study showed that women are well informed about the impor-
tance of physical activity during pregnancy and are aware of its positive effects
on their well-being, the course of pregnancy, the childbirth and the postpar-
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