Page 29 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 29
The qualitative research confirmed the already known scientific findings: perception of physical activity during pregnancy 27
physical activity has beneficial effects on childbirth and postnatal recovery
(Blenkuš et al., 2015; Videmšek et al., 2015) – which in this case, was also a sub-
jective opinion of women. Participating women perceived physical activity to
be important for an easier birth. Most of the interviewees believed that due to
regular physical activity during the pregnancy, they had more power and phys-
ical fitness during the birth, which made their birth and the recovery period af-
ter that significantly easier and shorter.

The type of physical activity pregnant women can attend is organized ex-
ercise intended for them. In the results of the research we were surprised by the
fact that only two women attended guided exercise during pregnancy but it was
not specifically set for pregnant women.

In a study conducted by Rijavec (2016), only 9 (19.6%) of the 46 respond-
ents decided on organized group exercise during pregnancy. In a study con-
ducted by Husić (2015) this type of activity was attended by 6 (15.8%) of the 40
respondents. According to the results of these studies, we can conclude that in
general, women are generally less likely to have guided exercise in pregnancy.
The finding that there is not an organized physical exercise for participating
pregnant women in their hometown or in their immediate area is a concern.
We believe that in the future organized exercise intended for pregnant women
should expand and take place in all health centers throughout Slovenia. In Slo-
venia we have not come across any qualitative research in this field, so we be-
lieve that in the future it would be necessary to carry out a similar, more exten-
sive survey that would allow comparison of results and would thus show the
difference between the physical activity of the pregnant women that live in ru-
ral areas and those who live in the urban environment.

Modern women are very aware of the importance of regular physical activity
(especially during pregnancy) and all its positive impacts on psychological and
physical well-being, the course of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum peri-
od. They also know that a fit woman will quickly adapt to all the changes that
happen in her new period.

Physical activity during pregnancy is definitely one of the most impor-
tant factors affecting the mental and physical well-being of the mother-to-be,
the course of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period. All participants
showed that with their statements. They were physically active before pregnan-
cy and even more committed to and continued it over their expecting period.
A detailed analysis of the results has confirmed the fact that health-care work-
ers have known for a long time – physical activity positively affects the well-be-
ing of the pregnant women and their health and the fact that pregnant wom-
en who take regular exercise feel better. There has been less tension in them.
In this emotionally delicate period they were more relaxed, had more strength
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