Page 76 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 76
can lead to permanent incapacity for work (Anema et al., 2006). The very emer-
gence of mental problems in nurses is in many cases the result of the nature of
work and working conditions in health care (Mealer et al., 2007). The purpose
of the paper is to present the specificity of absentism related to mental health
in the field of nursing. The aim of the paper is to answer the following research
questions: Is the level of absenteeism in the nursing profession higher compa-
red to other professions? Which factors related to working place influence the
frequency of absenteeism in nursing care? What is the impact of mental heal-
th on absenteeism in the nursing profession? What impact or consequences ha-
ve mental health problems on the individual‘s ability to work in nursing pro-

zdravje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 74 Methods
The article used a descriptive method of work with a critical overview of Slo-
vene and English professional and scientific literature. The literature search
period took place from March to May 2017. The literature search was carried
out using the Slovenian bibliographic-catalog database COBIB.SI and foreign
CINAHL and Medline databases (PubMed). The search criteria used the lan-
guage criterion, but we limited ourselves to articles published in both Slove-
nian and English. The applied keywords associated with the Boolean operator
AND in English were: absenteeism AND mental disorders AND nursing, ab-
senteeism AND health care, absenteeism AND nursing home, sickness absen-
ce AND health care, sickness absence AND mental health AND health care,
mental health AND stress AND nursing. Slovene literature was searched with
the following keywords: absentizem IN zdravstvena nega IN duševne motn-
je, absentizem IN depresija, bolniška odsotnost IN duševno zdravje IN zdrav-
stvena nega. The result of keyword combinations is a different number of fin-
dings. The selected ones were about the risk factors that lead to absenteeism,
the causes of mental health problems among health professionals and measu-
res to improve mental health. The exclusion criteria were articles adressing the
nursing students.

Table 1: English keyword combinations and number of findings.

Key words absenteeism absenteeism absenteeism sickness ab- sickness ab- mental
(English) AND men- AND men- AND nursing sence AND sence AND health AND
tal disorders tal disorders health care mental health stress AND
Search results AND nurs- AND nurs- home AND health
Used articles nursing
ing ing care

15 49 64 104 13 112
5 20 1 42
   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81