Page 79 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 79
ep disorders. Xiong and colleagues (2017) investigated whether the injection absenteeism due to mental problems among employees in nursing 77
needle injury affected the development of a mental disorder. There were 302
nurses involved, 162 of them had already had needle injury before. The develo-
pment of mental illness was almost twice as likely for nurses exposed to work
with blood as in those who were not exposed to work with blood. Also physical
symptoms and symptoms of social dysfunction, anxiety and depression were
more frequently expressed among nurses exposed to work with blood. It is ne-
cessary to provide appropriate psychological support for the stress relief at the

Absenteesim in nursing represents a major economic problem both for
the organization and for a personal problem for the individual. Long-term ab-
sence can cause many negative consequences, such as exclusion from the wor-
kplace and, consequently, social isolation in poverty, therefore recognizing the
risk factors for predicting absence from work is very important (Roelen et al.,
2015; Roelen et al., 2013).

The average sick leave for a healthcare professional ranges from 12 to 15 days
per year per person (Lamont et al., 2016). Waage in Bjorvatna (2016) also points
out that absenteeism is more frequent among healthcare workers as a result of
illness compared to workers in other sectors. Many authors (Mao et al, 2016;
Gaudine et al., 2011) note that the rate of absence from all professions is the
highest in the field of nursing care.

Lack of employee support, working influences, organizational climate
and the ambiguity of the role are associated with the emergence of psychologi-
cal problems in nurses. The most common source of poor mental health is wor-
kload pressure (Petterson et al., 1995). The hardship caused by the small role in
decision-making, low social support at the workplace, and pressures by leaders
are linked both to anxiety and to depression (Quine, 1999).

To protect and maintain the mental health of nurses and to ensure safe,
effective and quality patient care, targeted stress relief measures are required
(Caufigld et al, 2004). Many authors work on the development of strategies for
reducing stress among nurses. Some approaches address the problem at the le-
vel of the individual, others at the level of the organization, and the authors al-
so discuss the combination of both. Mc Vicar (2003) points out that effective
approaches ensure better safety and health outcomes of healthcare professio-
nals, leading to safe, efficient and quality patient care, and ultimately reducing
the economic effects of stress in hospitals, industry and the economy. Deckro
and colleagues (2002) represent a program that focuses on an individual in a
way to improve the individual‘s ability to successfully meet challenging situa-
tions at work by educating about the source of stress and the impact on health,
and also acquiring skills and abilities to reduce stress (eg adequate time alloca-
tion, relaxation methods). The effects of the program have been shown to redu-
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