Page 78 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 78
avje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 76 use of psychotropic medicines and insomnia. The authors state that on the ba-
sis of findings on the connection of mental health with absenteeism in heal-
th care system, the specific characteristics of employees could be used as indi-
cators for the early identification of individuals who are at risk of absenteeism
(Lamont et al., 2016).

There is consensus among experts on the correlation of unfavorable wor-
king conditions with the morbidity of the working population. In nursing prac-
tice, such unfavorable working conditions include: an intensive working pace,
a shortage of human resources and materials, pressure from superiors, low in-
come, a two- or three-shift work system, exhaustion as a result of multishifts
work and frequent interactions with severe, usually terminal patients (Santa-
na et al., 2016). The nurses‘ mental health is particularly affected by work envi-
ronments where employees lack work autonomy, where they experience low le-
vels of support and few opportunities to acquire new knowledge, where a high
degree of emotional exhaustion and the occurrence of physical burnout pre-
vail, and where employees have poor sleep habits due to multishift work. Men-
tal health consequences are seen in nurses who are under the influence of high
expectations and are in conflict working relationships and work in an environ-
ment where there is a high mortality rate of patients and a high possibility of
traumatic events. All these factors have a major negative impact on productivi-
ty, absenteeism and presentism, work performance, patient care and patient sa-
tisfaction (Perry et al., 2015).

The authors found out that high work demands are associated with emo-
tional exhaustion, anxiety, depression, and dissatisfaction with work. The abi-
lity to control the working environment and social support positively influen-
ce the well-being and work satisfaction of nurses and decrease the symptoms of
psychological distress and emotional exhaustion. High work demands, throu-
gh the impact on the employees‘ health increase level of absenteeism (Roelen
et al., 2012).

Clausen and colleagues (2011), through longitudinal research, found out
that high working demands are strongly linked to absenteeism in the case of
elderly health care providers. On the other hand, positive sources in the work-
place, such as the possibility of influencing on work, higher quality of manage-
ment and a positive team climate protect individuals from morbidity and con-
sequently reduce the amount of absenteeism. Roelen and colleagues (2012) add
that in addition to all other factors, also the way in which employees are faced
with the disease, affects sick leave. It is therefore a phenomenon that arises as a
result of the interaction between the personality characteristics, working con-
ditions and the socio-cultural environment.

The concern for the health of nurses, the identification of risk factors and
mental illnesses is not only important for ensuring the quality of life of nur-
ses in general, but also for maintaining competence that leads to quality tre-
atment for patients. Suzuki and colleagues (2005) showed the impact of acci-
dents at work (eg. needle injury) on the development of mental disorders and
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