Page 90 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 90
Domains of the The level of Respondents place of work
SF-36 question- quality of life
Primary care, Secondary care, Total n (%) χ2 p
naire 8.138 0.017
n (%) n (%) 4 (2)
186 (93)
Bad / 4 (2) 10 (5)
Mental health Good 98 (49) 88 (44)
Excellent 2 (1) 8 (4)

zdravje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 88 Discussion
In our research, out of nurses of both levels of health care, the best quality
of health had the following domains: physical functioning, absence of bodily
pain, social functioning, limitations due to physical health problems and lim-
itations due to emotional problems. The lower level of quality of the health of
our patients is seen in median values of public health, mental health and vital-

The largest percentage of our respondents, 67% belong to the category of
excellent physical functioning, 30% have a good physical functioning, while on-
ly 3% of respondents have a poor physical functioning. Among the respondents
in relation to the place of work was observed statistically significant differen-
ces in terms of physical functioning, with respondents who work in secondary
care showed better physical functioning. In contrast to our research, in a study
conducted in Taiwan on a sample of 1534 nurses, the results showed that nurses
who work in outpatient clinics have better physical functioning compared to
nurses working in hospital wards and intensive care units (Shao et al, 2010). Si-
milar results were obtained in studies in Turkey, where the nurses who worked
in an outpatient clinics have a better quality of life in relation to nursing wor-
king in a surgical departments and operating rooms (Cimete et al, 2003). The
limitations due to emotional problems are present in 30% of our respondents,
moderate limitations has 5% of respondents, while in slightly more than half
of the respondents limitations due to emotional problems do not exist. In rela-
tion to the place of work statistically significant difference was observed, with
limitations due to emotional problems more common among respondents who
work in primary health care. Experiencing positive emotions at work is consi-
dered an important part of nursing professional life, and has a significant im-
pact on patient safety, quality of services renered, commitment, retention and
fluctuation. Many studies alsoconfirmed this fact and point out that experien-
cing positive emotions at work linked with better health, a higher degree of job
satisfaction, responsible behavior at work, higher work performance and qua-
lity of work, greater resistance to stress and burnout, rarely change jobs, better
relations with other persons, the preferred behavior and thinking, and lower
incidence of divorce (Chapman et al., 2010; Golubić and Mustajbegović, 2011;
Habazin, 2013).
   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95