Page 91 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 91
High proportion of respondents assessed their mental health as good.Ex- quality of life of nurses 89
cellent mental health has 4% of secondary and 1% of primary health care, and
poor mental health has 2% of the respondents belonging to secondary health
care, while in the primary with poor mental health was not. Next results longi-
tudinal study of 11 countries showed that in all countries there is a significant
degree of psychological exhaustion of nursing personnel, in particular in Po-
land, Slovakia and Germany where they registered the highest scores adverse
effects (Cowin, 2002). As regards the existence of pain and vitality of our res-
pondents, it was found that almost two-thirds of our respondents, there is no
pain in everyday life, in 28% of the pain there and he is moderate, and 6% of the
pain is very strong. Our subjects have the highest percentage of vitality, 18% of
the subjects is excellent vitality when in the smallest percentage of the sample
is poor viability, wherein between the two groups of subjects in relation to the
place of work, no significant difference in terms of the existence of pain, and in
terms of vitality. Similar results were obtained in a study conducted by Hassel-
horm et al.(2005) with the nurses in Germany. The disease is undoubtedly one
of the external factors that negatively affect the quality of life of the individual.
It can be said that the impact of disease on quality of life is multidimensional.
The disease not only in terms of affecting the physical symptoms, and thus hin-
ders the functioning, but there are present and indirect effects such as a change
in working ability, the decline in the quality of medical care, the potential isola-
tion, the increase depending on the other, bad habits,etc. (Knežević et al., 2009;
Buljbašić, 2011). Respondents on both levels of health care have the highest per-
centage of good and excellent social functioning, while only two patients from
secondary care have poor levels of social functioning. Studies dealing with the
study of the quality of life highlight the importance of social contacts, and the-
re is a large drop in the quality of life in patients where there is social isolation.
Certain contribution to the clarification of the impact of social interaction on
the quality of life given by Israeli researchers, who have studied only that com-
ponent of health and its impact on quality of life (William et al., 1996).

Respondents expressed the best quality of health in physical functioning, ab-
sence of bodily pain and social functioning. The lower level of quality of health
of our respondents was noticed in the fields of public health, mental health
and vitality. Nurses from primary health care, when compared with their col-
leagues from secondary care, assessed their mental health better. On the other
hand, nurses from secondary health care expressed better quality of health in
physical functioning and limitations due to emotional problems.

ASSALAVI, R.K., APERECIDA, B.D., and GONCALVES, S.B.A., 2010. Evalu-

ation of quality of life and depression in nursing technicians and nursing
assistants. Rev. Latino-Am Enfermagem, vol. 18, iss. 3, pp. 413−420.
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