Page 21 - Fister jr., Iztok, and Andrej Brodnik (eds.). StuCoSReC. Proceedings of the 2017 4th Student Computer Science Research Conference. Koper: University of Primorska Press, 2017
P. 21
le 2: Association rules as found by the Cuckoo search rule miner.

Antecedent Consequent Fitness value
(DX = 201.23) ∧ (SEX = F EM ALE)
(DX = 201.23) ∧ (SEX = F EM ALE) ∧ (T Y P E = U RGEN T ) (LOS =< 44) 0.508
(LOS =< 44) 0.503
(DX = 142.8) ∧ (AGE = 40 − 49) (LOS =< 44) 0.501
(DX = 202.88) (DIED = N O) 0.501
(DX = 070.22) (DIED = N O) 0.501
(DX = 016.04) ∧ (AGE = 60 − 69) (SEX = M ALE) 0.5
(DX = 036.3) ∧ (DIED = N O) (DIED = N O) 0.5
(DX = 197.8) (T Y P E = EM ERGEN CY ) 0.5
(DX = 255.8) ∧ (DIED = N O) (T Y P E = EM ERGEN CY ) 0.5
(SEX = F EM ALE) 0.5
(DX = 206.00) ∧ (AGE = 80 − 89) ∧ (SEX = F EM ALE) (LOS =< 44) 0.5
(DX = 010.04) (DIED = N O) ∧ (LOS =< 44) 0.5
(DX = 012.33) (T Y P E = EM ERGEN CY ) 0.5
(DX = 201.66) (SEX = F EM ALE) 0.5
(DX = 015.55) 0.5
(DX = 079.88) ∧ (SEX = M ALE) ∧ (DIED = N O) (LOS =< 44) 0.5
(DX = 211.7) (SEX = F EM ALE) 0.5
(LOS =< 44) 0.5
(DX = 010.03) ∧ (SEX = F EM ALE) ∧ (DIED = Y ES) (DIED = N O) 0.5
(DX = 201.66) ∧ (SEX = M ALE) ∧ (DIED = N O) 0.5
(DX = 171.4)
(DX = 085.5) ∧ (DIED = Y ES)
(DX = 232.8)

that we might not know [3]. The latter is also the reason association rules for other diseases which occur commonly
for this study, and with this in mind, all records containing in the modern world.
the disease with ICD-9-CM code ’250.30’ (Type II diabetes
mellitus) were extracted from the whole NIS dataset to form 7. REFERENCES
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